Wow thanks for the many responses. Yea I did some echo statments, and found
out that one domain could start up fine but the other didnt. I saw something
called cronolog and I think that is what was causing an issue. Once I
removed it from the bash script it started up. The syntax was like
./startWebLog | cronolog /some/log/Y-M-D-{$domain}.log

Once I removed that it worked fine. I did try the different pty settings and
it didnt seem to matter.

On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Jeff Forcier <> wrote:

> Last reply for now, promise :)
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Jeff Forcier <> wrote:
> > Hopefully it's something tty-related, which
> > is easily manipulated with the pty kwarg.
> Looks like my hunch was right: if you look at the ticket I linked
> previously I've been taking notes. It's clear that with pty=False,
> this problem goes away; and it's also clear that the same problem
> occurs with regular ssh and its -t/-T options (so it's not
> Fabric-specific.) It's not clear *why* this behavior occurs,
> unfortunately.
> I'll document the "init scripts seem to misbehave with pty=True" issue
> in an FAQ unless something comes up that offers a different solution.
> -Jeff
> --
> Jeff Forcier
> Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer
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