When I run your code, I don't get what you said:
:: each2* ( seq quot: ( prev next -- next' ) -- )
    seq unclip-slice :> elt! quot '[ elt @ elt! ] each ; inline

{ 1 2 3 } [ [ swap . . nl ] keep 10 + ] each2*


It's actually pretty close to what you wanted, you just swapped the prev
and next element in the each2* you wrote. The following has the correct
 :: each2* ( seq quot: ( prev next -- next' ) -- )
    seq unclip-slice :> elt! quot '[ elt swap @ elt! ] each ; inline

{ 1 2 3 } [ [ swap . . nl ] keep 10 + ] each2*


Also, you did create a closure. This is exactly what you want, and the
assignments to elt do work, the value is updated in the subsequent calls.
(In fact, factor implements local mutable variable by boxing the value in a
1 element array. The array is curried into the quotation).

Hope that helps,


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 7:20 PM, Alexander Ilin <ajs...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Hello!
>   I've got a task where I need to process a sequence of elements pairwise,
> while collecting the (possibly mutated) elements into a new sequence.
>   The neighboring elements may affect each other, hence the need for
> mutation.
>   I searched through the help system looking for words similar to
> each-pair or each2, to no avail.
>   Here's what I came up with:
> ```
> :: each2* ( seq quot: ( prev next -- next' ) -- )
>     seq unclip-slice :> elt! quot '[ elt @ elt! ] each ; inline
> ```
>   What I want to happen is this:
> ```
> { 1 2 3 } [ [ swap . . nl ] keep 10 + ] each2*
> 1
> 2
> 12
> 3
> ```
>   So that the quotation passed to `each2*` would walk through all
> consecutive pairs of the elements in `seq`, but would also be able to
> mutate the `next` element for its next iteration.
>   Now, I have no experience with functional languages (in fact, that's why
> I'm studying Factor, so feel free to correct me), but my suspicion is that
> I inadvertently created a closure over the `elt` variable, because instead
> of the expected output I get the following:
> ```
> { 1 2 3 } [ [ swap . . nl ] keep 10 + ] each2*
> 1
> 2
> 1
> 3
> ```
>   By using the walker I see that the initial value of `elt` is curried to
> the quotation, so the subsequent `elt!` has no effect.
>   Please, tell me: is this the intended interaction between the locals and
> the fry, or is it an optimization gone wrong?
>   And how do I get the behavior that I want from the `each2*`? Is there a
> totally different approach that I missed? My intention is to use `each2*`
> inside the `make` call to construct the result I need.
>   Thank you!
> ---=====---
>  Александр
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