
  Factor crashed twice today. Both times when I was doing this code (with 
different strings in the middle):

! Delete a path (subtree) from the DB.
"C:/Path/To/table.db" [
    resource-path new select-tuples
    [ path>> "/Some/Path/Prefix/" head? ] filter
    [ [ delete-tuples ] each ] with-transaction
] with-sqlite-db

  It was a hard crash, too, with a Windows "close or debug" dialog, not with a 
Factor interruption console.

  Each time after the restart the same identical code (copied and pasted into 
the listener) ran perfectly.

  At the time of the second crash I looked at the memory consumption by the 
Factor.exe (I'm on Win7x64) was slightly above 500Mb.

  The build is a fairly recent one: Factor 0.98 x86.32 (1826, 
heads/master-c1d6477c22, Fri May 12 08:27:43 2017)

  And I have seen those visual glitches again a few times. You know, those I 
showed you via youtube some time ago, where some pieces of text seem to get 
mixed around, so that the listener's toolbar displays the wrong labels, as well 
as the listener's main window. It seemed like the oldest strings were the most 
prone to corruption (or substitution), e.g. the "--- Data stack:" string or the 
"}" string in the prettyprinter.

  I seriously suspect we have issues with our garbage collector, or memory 
management in general.
  At least on Windows.



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