[Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org), the free automatic build system on Linux, 
has [a system by which members of language communities can volunteer to add 
support for their respective 

The docs suggest a group of "3 or more self-identified experts", so I'm just 
wondering if anyone from this mailing list (preferably at least one person with 
Ruby experience) would be interested in collaborating on this.

Creating a build environment to test user code will not have [the same problem 
as trying to use Travis to build the entire Factor 
source](https://github.com/factor/factor/issues/1760) -- namely, that it takes 
too long to build. Instead, all we have to do to set up a build environment is 
download the correct factor-version.tar.gz and unpack it somewhere.

Please, let me know if you're interested in collaborating on this, and we can 
get a repo set up for more in-depth discussions and solutions.

~ cat
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