--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@...> wrote:
> Truly, truly, you're an idiot! You don't have the faintest 
> idea of what you're talking about, but, if it makes you *feel 
> good*, well, then, at least in your own mind, you're...tolerant, 
> good, loving, accepting, but in reality, you're an idiot, sorry 
> Charlie. You should read scripture more often, in stead of 
> looking in the mirror.

I've read scriptures. Many of them talk about what happens
after death. One of them, the Bardo Thodol (often mistitled
in the West as "The Tibetan Book of the Dead") describes 
one of the stages of the rebirth process (the "sidpa bardo" 
or "bardo of rebirth") as consisting primarily of karmically 
impelled hallucinations, which are experienced as fully real. 

In this state you will encounter manifestations of the things
you focused on most during your life. If you spent most of 
your life focusing on your greatest fears and aversions, *that*
is what is going to happen to you in the bardo. Everything you 
have feared most *will* happen.

So Billy, I'm thinkin' that for you this state is not going 
to be a pleasant one. Based on what you've been obsessing on
lately, you'll likely find yourself in a realm in which not 
only does <spit> sex still exist, but the beings you see 
around you will all be men, and they'll be eyeing *your* bum 
for the sex. How long you spend in this realm -- having big, 
hairy guys exploring your posterior plumbing -- depends on how 
much time you spent during your life being averse to and/or 
disgusted by those thoughts and those images.

So I'm thinkin' that you will spend a great deal of time 
being a "bottom" (in every sense of the word) for these 
horny ghosts' amusement. Something to look forward to. :-)

According to one translation of the Bardo Thodol, there IS
K-Y jelly in this astral realm. However, according to another
translation that is generally considered more authoritative,
the K-Y is all laced with beach sand. Ouch. 

Those of us who spent our lives thinking about (and doing) 
more pleasant things will have a more pleasant journey 
through the bardo, because the things *we* focused on most 
will also manifest. So what I'm suggesting is that, for the
rest of this incarnation and in preparation for your journey
to the next, you might want to consider focusing a little 
less on anal sex. Just sayin'...  :-)

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