[Invincible America]  <http://invincibleamerica.org/>       Blast of
Congratulations to the 1,765 Invincible America Assembly participants
who flooded to group program on Friday, October 5, in the beautiful,
fresh, newly renovated Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome - and to
all the flying halls on campus and in Maharishi Vedic City.

We exceeded our National Super Radiance threshold for the first time
since last July.

And it is no coincidence that Friday the stock market spiked to a new
record high.

As Yogic Flyers, we have an extraordinary power in our grasp. We can
uplift the quality of life for the nation and the world. In just this
one group program, we can clearly see our influence on our
nation´s economic outlook.

If you have not been in the Golden Domes lately, come and join the
champions of health and happiness, prosperity and peace, enlightenment
and invincibility for the United States.

Kali Yuga´s time is over.

Next week 62 more Maharishi Vedic Pandits will join us. Be here, be part
of the group, and make the difference.

Jai Guru Dev

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