--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Out of compassion for suffering humanity, the Divine Plan which 
> is carrying out requires Maharishi to use stupid people to reach 
> to a stupid world. The usual reaction of a very dark world is to 
> those who want to enlighten it, as was shown with Jesus, the plot 
> Kamsa to kill Krishna, etc. -- therefore, the Divine Plan is to 
> slowly unfold enlightement values, in order to avoid making 
> living in darkness feel "fear and havoc" from a sudden onset of 
> expanded awareness.
> By using fatuous people to run the TMO, MMY ensures that growth of 
> enlightenment values is slow, and he has explicitly stated this 
> policy long ago:
> http://geocities.com/bbrigante/retards.com#light
> > bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 22:20:16 -0000
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: new rajas today
> > 
> >    
> >   MMY did not begin his work halfway thru the Sat Yuga, when 
> are 
> > smart and friendly, but in the Kali Yuga, when people are weak 
> > stupid in every way. If MMY has to flatter goofs to keep them 
> > jumping ship, then that's the way it's got to be. But, really, 
> > people are made in the image of God, so if you want to salute 
> > godliness in them, that's ultimately true anyway. Also, MMY is 
> making 
> > it clear that administration from the level of the consitution 
> the 
> > universe is not really administration at all:
> > 
> > 'When there was lot of administration, there was a lot of 
> controversy 
> > to be reconciled here and there and there so far. So for the 
> assembly 
> > of mankind there was administration needed, but now today that 
> > administration will be just a name, and a name may show some 
> > of it. But in reality the world is going to be administered on 
> > own which is the ultimate level of, for want of a word we say, 
> Being, 
> > Being, Being, Being.'
> > 
> > http://www.globalgo odnews.com/ world-peace- a.html?art= 
> 1193940660953239 

It's such a joy to read your tiredless exposition of knowledge Bob ! 

Again and again you remind people of what they do not want to hear, 
which is precisely what they need ofcourse.
But few of the posters here have a clue of what you so brilliantly 
state, instead they rant on and on, year after year exposing their 
ignorance, about how shallow the TMO is.
Let's at least hope that some lurkers read and understand your posts.

Well done Bob Brigante !

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