--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> On Behalf Of authfriend
> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 5:29 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra and Mike Myers on 
> Channel
> "mailto:FairfieldLife%
> "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > He talks about how he self-published his first book and rode on
> > a bike taking it to bookstores. What, no Purusha minions banging
> > on doors for free? No mention.
> FWIW, that was for his second and later books.
> His first book was self-published (and looked
> it) and self-distributed.
> > He mentions as his relationship with George Harrison but no MMY 
> > whose ideas he quotes verbatim in numerous parts "flexibility is 
> > the basis of immortality". What a rip off artist.
> Again FWIW, the TMO asked him *not* to mention
> MMY in his teaching after he left the movement.
> You describe his truncated TM-like instruction;
> the movement didn't and doesn't want that kind
> of thing--distortions of what MMY teaches--
> associated with TM and MMY.
> So Chopra was "relieved" of the obligation to
> credit MMY with anything he, Chopra, teaches.
> And he's certainly taken full advantage of it.
> But you can see the TMO's perspective; they'd
> rather eschew the credit and preserve the 
> "purity of the teaching."
> I don't know anything for a fact, but I think Judy's theory might 
be close
> to the truth. I knew Deepak pretty well, having taught his intro TM 
> and having lived with his parents for two months during the Vedic 
> course in New Delhi, later taking off from my Vedic Atom in Chicago 
to visit
> my wife-to-be (who snuck off from Mother Divine) at his house in
> Massachusetts. As he related in one of his early books, he was 
reluctant to
> get involved in the TMO at first, out of attachment to his 
successful career
> as an endocrinologist. But Maharishi drew him in, buttered him up, 
and made
> him a star. He didn't write any books until he was involved in the 
TMO, and
> from the start, his books were promoted by Purusha. There were some 
> sharp PR guys on Purusha, some of whom are still professional PR 
guys, and
> they used every trick in the book to make his early books best-
> including buying up large quantities of them at the right time. 
> Once Deepak reached the inner circle of the TMO, I think things 
began to get
> strange for him. He was a creative thinker and liked to take an 
amalgam of
> MMY's ideas and thoughts from his Indian heritage to generate new 
> which he would bounce off MMY. I think MMY enjoyed brainstorming 
with him,
> but I think he felt a bit nervous, because Deepak was pretty 
> very independent in his thinking, and obviously had the potential 
to become
> a guru of sorts in his own right. Some people began to regard him 
that way
> even when he was in the movement. Reportedly, Bevan was always on 
his case
> for being loose with the purity of the teaching. Also reportedly, 
> couldn't stomach the intense competition for Maharishi's attention, 
and the
> games played in the inner circle. 
> He was probably the highest paid person in the TMO, but I think he 
began to
> see the potential to make a lot more money on his own. MMY began to 
give him
> orders he didn't want to follow, such as relinquishing his US 
citizenship or
> green card or whatever he had to run for Prime Minister of India on 
> Natural Law Party. There was also some account on some TM-ex site, 
which is
> probably accurate, of MMY having accused him of trying to usurp his
> authority. Another rumor is that MMY offered to make him his 
> In any case, I think it became clear to Deepak that he didn't 
really fit in
> anymore, and that a lucrative and exciting future awaited him as a 
> agent. I'm pretty sure that he and the TMO did work out a legal 
> after he left. I heard that his books were edited to exclude 
references to
> TM stuff, and the TMO, which had praised him to the skies prior to 
> departure, spoke and acted as though he had never been a part of it.

All this must be a great field of interest to you Mr. Archer. Anyway, 
did you know of the fauled attempt on his life because of his 
threatening Big Business and that he did not want to stand as a NLP 
candidate because of that ? Apparently Maharishis respond 
was "Someone who do not want to be a candidate (for NLP) is not a 
part of our family." (no direct quoute) Anyone working for the 
movement should just laugh at any attempt on your life, not just run 
away. The Movement is not for cowards...

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