To think, for decades the clitorati nazis
have viciously contentiously said that some,
many or all men talk through their dickheads <>,
now we have vaginas talking to themselves.
 *Who'd've thunk it!*

If vaginas can conduct loquatious monologues
then for sure they can, and will, delight in
deeper reflection before a mirror and
proclaim in giddy frolic and vampish breath
"you look mahvilous!" <>

We need more happy cuntries, like yours, Turquoise.

On Feb 15, 2008 2:10 PM, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just to get back to the mundane, and to remind
> folks here what people in the world are talking
> about while we debate the fine points of Deepak
> Chopra's ethics, America is going four-letter-
> word crazy again.
> NBC is doing the apology dance because a guest
> on its "Today" show used what it calls a "vulgar
> slang term" on the air. They're beating the
> guest up one side and down the other for daring
> to use this horrible term. And, given that the
> guest in question was Jane Fonda, right-wingers
> who still hate her from the Vietnam era are
> denouncing her in the press. (Which I think is
> doubly funny, because they're demonizing her
> for using the same term they used to call her.)
> Anyway, the sheer Puritan absurdity of it, living
> as I do in a more civilized land, got me curious,
> so I looked up the clip in question, and discovered
> the rather innocent *context* in which Jane spoke
> the word:
> The whole thing makes me happy I live in a country
> where women can still safely call a coño a coño.
  • ... TurquoiseB
    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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