--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Louis:
> I'm curious to know what you feel about Maharishi's attitude 
> African-Americans and Black Africans in general (I use the 
> term "Black Africans" to differentiate them from White Africans, 
> as Charlize Theron).  I'm thinking two such instances which gave an 
> indication to me of Maharishi's thinking in this area:
> 1) in a video tape from La Antilla I think it was Maharishi was 
> about the then-in-place Apartheid system in South Africa and his 
> response was: (taking a flower in hand) see the flower, see how the 
> red of the petal is segregated from the stem, see how the thorn is 
> segregated from the leaves, see how the leaves are segregated from 
> the stem, (and so on).
> 2) After a trip to Africa, he was relating his experience during a 
> Question and Answer session he had with Africans who had come to 
> him at a lecture law.  The thrust of Maharishi's comments were how 
> surprised he was at the intelligence of the questions.  He gave the 
> impression that it threw him for a loop and that he didn't expect 
> them to be intelligent at all.
> Thoughts?  And I'd like to hear from anyone else who got the same 
> impressions that I did on this subject...

The only person Maharishi actively sought out from the darshan-line 
after our TTC was a black american (he was standing in the back of 
the crowd) saying while handing the fellow a flower: "You are doing 
very well, uh ?"

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