--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "guyfawkes91" 
> wrote:
> >
> > >>
> > >But I'd like to give
> > > the new leaders a few tips on how not to be a cult. In the 
> > > least.
> > This is one of the best posts I've seen on here for a long time. I
> > think it's a bad reflection on the group that it hasn't generated 
> > support or comments. People here are mostly up their own arses 
> > about really miniscule points or issues that the group thinks are
> > important but no one else does. John's post lays out some good 
> > for people to think about and they're issues that affect a lot of 
> > lurkers here. I think the TMO is capable of reform, though it will
> > take a long time and maybe even a generation before the present
> > structure is dumped. These guidelines are simple common sense 
> > that the TMO needs to make before it has any chance of seeing its
> > better ideas becoming widely accepted.>>
> None of this will matter anyway soon. The planet is either going 
back to
> a dark ages chaos soon (and I will be the King -- "loved" by all the
> people due to my harsh rule ;-) ...or there is going to be a very
> powerful transormation of consciousness that is WAY MORE than people
> just being a bit nicer to each other. The changes will be 
tumultuous and
> powerful. Less than 5 years, but probably this year.
> OffWorld

 Agreed, but take a look at this :

As men look back, by the Master — 

The Master's article for Share International magazine, June 2008
As men look back
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 23 April 2008 

A few years from now, looking back, men will wonder why they 
hesitated so long in taking the obvious and most natural action: 
sharing the resources of the world. Experiencing warmly the new 
stability, the lack of tension, the ease of international co-
operation, men will wonder how they could have been so blind to the 
self-evident, so wilful and destructive to their own best interests 
for so long.
Humanity stands now at the threshold of an entirely new experience in 
which every global decision and act will be seen to be for the 
better, as nourishing and sanctifying their lives, and strengthening 
the bonds of Brotherhood which, up till then, they had ignored and 
all but forgotten. Gladly, men will now work together for the Common 
Good, the hatred and distrust of the past put firmly behind them. 
Thus will a new kinship emerge as Goodwill and Respect, like 
vitalizing yeast, saturate their awakened lives. Thus, too, in ever 
strengthening measure, will love and joy embrace and lighten the 
hearts of men and women everywhere. 


What subtle alchemy can it be that will work this magical 
transformation in the lives of men? Not alchemy but the divinity 
which dwells in the hearts of men themselves, evoked and brought 
forth by the wonder of Maitreya's Love. "Sharing," He has said, "is 
divine; the first step into sharing is the first step into your 
divinity." In man himself lies the full measure of that divinity. 
Sharing will demonstrate that man is a potential God and is equipped 
to express the creative Will of his Source.
Slowly but surely, that creative Purpose will manifest through men 
and so direct their actions and decisions. The old lawlessness will 
wither away and disappear like a faded memory of a distant, childish 
past. So will it be.

Brilliant future

We, your elder Brothers, see ever more clearly the outlines of a 
brilliant future stretching ahead for men; We see the blueprints of a 
science which would astonish the most fertile and sophisticated minds 
of today; We see, too, an art whose beauty and creative power has 
never, as yet, been seen by men.
Above all, We recognize that this creative outflow, unprecedented in 
scope in human history, is the inevitable result of the great inner 
change through which humanity is passing: learning to live within the 
Laws of Life. When men see and understand this consciously, as a fact 
of life, they will take, gladly, the steps which lead directly to 
Peace and Justice, Freedom and Right Relationship. That first step is 
called Sharing.

With Maitreya, the Lord of Love, and His group of Masters to help and 
guide, how can men fail to see that Sharing and Right Relationship 
are the same, have the same impulse: to demonstrate the urge to Unity 
which underlies our apparent separation, and so reveal the true 
nature of men as Gods. 


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