Argue, arguing, argued.  Staticity is the anchor upon
which we do such things.  While we may be, at least
seemingly, sincere in our efforts to find a solution,
an organic solution that lasts, beyond the morphings
of time, place and person, we are using outmoded
methods of exploring and presenting our points, points
anchored in statiticy and clung to with vanity,
conceit, deceit and protective that the constant
present-day drunken stupor of complacency is anchored
in the static pablum of unchallenged avarice.

What is the best form of economy?

What is the best form of governance?

People search for what has, or is believed to have
gone before in human society, yet the search by anyone
nearly never goes beyond the trial and error of what
history has recorded having been invented by the
limited parameters of the human mind, and much of
history is rife with baffles and blinders preventing
the people of some societies from even acknowledging
the existence of other cultures, past or present, or
their excellencies in providing solutions that may be
applied today across cultural lines to solve the
incongruities and psycho-social diseases, ubiquitous
or rare, within any given society today.

Where can we find truly meaningful answers to the
questions above?  Whatever can be, whatever is
possible, including a healthy human society, healthy
in every realm of life, including economically, in
life forms and life force, and politically is possible
for all things possible have happened, are happening
and will continue to happen everywhere at all times in
the universe.  How do we manifest the most expeditious
experience of every realm of life, both human and
beyond, to bring forth the most sublime experience
possible here on Earth, and beyond?

What works is already expressed in nature.  Both
plants and animals eat only as much as is necessary
[aparigraha], maintain their health through
appropriate -- for their species -- asanas, socialize
for the most part, and attend to each other in both
healing and nurturing, even when they do not have the
same parents.  Nature contains, in many different
ways, the continuity or continuities that demonstrate
what will work for a progressively forward-moving
society where humans, and even other beings, can
evolve in realms and in manners resplendent for their
growth in every realm of life.  With such awareness
and with a continuum toward such fulfillment the
paradigm of PROUT, or the Progressive Utilization
Theory [].

Why do people still cling to the unconscionably
beastly monster of communism as a desirable and
admirable ideology, based upon reactionary dynamics,
of which a new violent polar and perpendicular
contrarianism, reactivism must result to defeat its
exploitative and dehumanising essence.

For true peace to prevail, for sentient peace to
prevail, every realm of human existence, and the
wellbeing of all animate beings and even inanimate
objects must be accorded proper respect and maximum
utilization of their potentialities within this very
lifetime so they may attain the most sublime
possibilities, most sublime thresholds in their
evolutionary progression -- for humans that would be
mukti/moksa, neither of which are relevant in either
communism or capitalism.  It's not profitable for
capitalists [one less consumer and unresellable], and
it does not comport with the solely materialistic
measure of life in communism.  PROUT gives full scope
to the mundane, supramundane, physical, metaphysical,
psychic and spiritual potentialities of the universe.
Compare and contrast here: <>, presented
for the
wellbeing and benefit of all.



 *Human society is at a vital new juncture, *
*the decrepit skeleton of things tried and *
*proven false is rapidly being rent asunder. *
*Today we are on the precipice of a glorious*
*new dawn in human evolution. Embrace this*
*crimson dawn of the glorious new day.
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:49 PM, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> > > > But I may be wrong.  Tell me why Maharishi uses the
> > > word "Communism"
> > > > which involves a violent power transfer, rather
> than "socialism"?
> > >
> > > From which kindergarten did you pick up that definition ?
> >
> > I first really heard it in my political science class at MIU taught
> by
> > Steve Drucker.
> Who said MIU wasn't/isn't a kindergarten ?
> But it isn't an uncommon definition, it was in the
> > text books we used.
> Written by americans no doubt.
>  So your polemic trick of trying to challenge my
> > information as coming from a kindergarten doesn't work.  Countries
> > that became communist all involved violent struggles whereas
> socialist
> > counties often voted for those changes.
> Aha. Please explain whether Chile under Allende was a soscialist or
> communist country. According to your opinion that is, not something
> you read in a book.
> >
> > > You didn't get the point did you. Violent overthrow of excisting
> > > regimes was necessary because the collective consciousness was to
> > > low for a natural transition. And to low for that "communism" to
> > > survive.
> >
> > And you didn't get the point that neither you nor Maharishi know the
> > difference between communism and socialism.
> >
> > So I call your bluff, show me the difference in the definitions and
> > why Maharishi meant communism rather than socialism.
> He used that word beacuse thats what He meant. How difficult is that
> to understand ? The thinkers were communists. Soscialists did not
> shape those thoughts. Marx and Engels did. That's why.
> > > "Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism"
> > > - Maharishi
> > >
> > > And if you don't believe it just pick up your morning newspapers
> > > tomorrow morning. ;-)
> >
> > The only super power in the world is having economic trouble.  It
> will
> > ripple through all other countries because of our importance in the
> > world's economy.   We will weather this storm as we have many others
> > and still be the world's only super power. (till China crushes us
> all)
> Dream on. Unless you drop capitalism, or at least adopt a social-
> democratic society, you are finished.
    • ... nablusoss1008
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    • ... enlightened_dawn11
    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
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    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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