Bravo- More, more!
Perhaps a Part II, with the conversation that occurs once the 16 year
old chick has been "initiated" and has to tell her friends all about her
new habits.

--- In, "Hugo" <richardhughes...@...>
> --- In, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
> I'm on a sugar rush from so many easter eggs (the true meaning
> of this holiday) so I'm going to quickly rattle off a few, what
> I see as honest, answers to Turq's excellent quiz.
> >
> >
> > When answering the following questions, assume that
> > the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
> > an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
> > in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who
> > has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to
> > clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
> > clear them up with her parents so that they will
> > sign the permission slip she needs to partake in
> > the DLF "Quiet Time" program. She is looking to you
> > for honest answers.
> >
> > 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians.
> > They are concerned that I might be getting involved
> > in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
> Yes, but you'd never know as we do it all in a foreign
> language and tell you it's "meaningless sounds". Clever eh?
> By the time you realise you'll be hooked and much more
> forgiving especially when you hear Maharishi's discourse
> on how TM is the actual root of *all* religion.
> > 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web
> > that there are only a few and that they are given
> > out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all
> > of the kids in my class (who are all the same age
> > I am) are going to get the same mantra?
> Actually there are many hundreds of possible mantras
> but we only use ** and we choose them on the basis
> of **** ***. But we like to give the impression that it's
> all hugely complex and mysterious and that we have secret
> knowledge.
> But don't tell each other what mantras you have because
> it won't work anymore and we don't give refunds.
> > 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
> > Web that in India they are considered either the
> > names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
> > eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is
> > this correct?
> I wouldn't know they don't teach us much at all about
> things like this.
> > 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
> > I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
> > with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
> > these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
> > to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
> > deiites?
> Yes, but don't worry. Unless you are forbidden by your
> religion to have other gods you'll be OK. Besides they
> weren't Hindu gods when they became part of our tradition
> as TM pre-dates Hinduism.
> Trust me, TM is not a religion. I may spend four hours
> a day meditating and doing yoga and saying grace before
> meals and believe in mystical fields of consciousness
> creating the universe moment by moment but it's not a
> religion.
> > 5. I looked at the website, and there is no
> > mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
> > stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
> > and in fact on old versions of the website I
> > found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
> > of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
> > in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
> > Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
> > Website has been "cleaned up" to remove all
> > mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
> > one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
> >
> It's our embarrassing little secret. Maharishi wanted
> us to dress up like this and we could never say no.
> Plus we actually like being king for a day.
> However, a little voice at the back of our heads warns
> us about appearing in public in our costumes. Especially
> near celebrities who would probably sue us for the damage
> it would do to their credibility.
> Plus, it's our policy to let people in gently to what we
> are all about. Too much enlightenment at once can be
> dangerous!
> Don't worry so much you'll get used to it. Maybe.
> > 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
> > run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
> > among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
> > kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
> No, just different. It's the vedic teaching that women
> should be nurturing and supportive of their men. Making a
> happy safe home while the men do the difficult stuff in
> life. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.
> And at certain "times of the month" you may not feel
> so welcome around town. This is because ancient scripture
> says you're unclean at these times and as we've thrown our
> lot in with the vedic idea of the perfect world we have to
> go along with whatever it says. This may appear bizarre but
> that's because you are judging it with decadent western
> ideas that are out of tune with nature.
> Don't worry you'll get used to it.
> > 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
> > on, there seems to have been a deletion of any
> > mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
> > find videos of them on the Web like this one:
> >
> > This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
> > mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
> > site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
> > sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
> > scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind
> > for us during "Quiet Time?"
> No, you won't have to do any chanting unless you want
> to and can afford the course.
> Nice though isn't it? All those foreign boys coming all
> this way to spend every minute of their one and only lives
> singing songs to save the world. Yes, I know it looks like
> it isn't working but you need patience as this is a "phase
> transition" between the bad old world and the excellent
> new one that will be run along the lines of bronze age
> India with a raja and his nurturing wife on every street.
> > 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a "scorpion
> > nation" and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
> > *really* say "Damn Democracy?" Did he *really* say that
> > most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
> > down and rebuilt from the ground up based on "rules" he
> > found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
> > all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
> > sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
> Yes, democracies are bad because it is run by people making
> decisions based on knowledge that is faulty because it isn't
> in tune with all the laws of nature.
> What does that mean? Erm, it's complex but if you consult an
> astrologer about what you should do and have your house
> built facing east then you are using time-tested scientifically
> proven technologies to maximise your potential.
> Did I say science? Yes, and I mean vedic science which is
> different in surprising ways: Because it comes from people who
> are "lively at the home of all the laws of nature" you know it's
> the truth! Hence there is no need to confirm anything by
> experiment because you already know you are right because... etc.
> Other amazing things we have to sell, erm offer, are yagyas.
> These are powerful technologies we sell to people wanting a
> perfect life to be even better. The Natural Law Party used to
> consult astrologers and have yagyas done for them and just look
> how succesful they were!
> And yes, your house should face east or bad things will happen.
> I'm facing east now did you notice? This is because human brain
> work better when they face the direction the sun rises on two
> days of the year. Science has proved this too. Which is why TM
> teachers like to face east whenever possible.
> No, I can't provide references for any of this, try searching the
internet. But be careful to ignore anyone who says I'm talking
> crap.
> > 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the
> > Website recently is any mention of "enlighten-
> > ment." That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
> > I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
> > ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
> > little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
> > point me to some of the people who have been practicing
> > TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
> > them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want
> > it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?
> You can't contact them because we don't know who they are.
> The enlightened are very humble and modesty forbids them
> from making a big deal about how in tune with things they are.
> I know how convenient that must sound but don't worry you'll
> understand when you're there.
> > 10. The Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis
> > program, and how one can take a course to learn how to
> > levitate. Now there is no mention of it. If I were inter-
> > ested in such a course, is it still being given, and if
> > so, is the cost of it covered by the Lynch Foundation the
> > way that my initial TM instruction would be? If not, how
> > much is that course going to cost me?
> A lot, and the DLF are unlikely to pay.
> As for levitating, it develops in three stages: First there is hopping
about with your legs crossed. Then you hover in one place. Then you can
fly wherever you like!
> Don't worry about refunds if you can't do it, we make you sign
> a ludicrous legal document absolving us of any responsibility for
anything whatsoever.

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