Vaj can obviously choose to write any way that he feels is right for him, and 
you can choose to speculate as to what his real motivations are behind his 
style; but I prefer to accept what he says at face value and evaluate that.

I doubt that Vaj was trying to impress me and in any case, the high-falutin' 
words weren't the issue for me, though I understand that they were for you.


--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavismarek@> wrote:
> >
> > Raunchydog, I understand the point you're making in
> > your post re Vaj, but it's an incorrect portrayal of
> > my opinion of him.  
> > 
> > It did take several readings for me to understand
> > what he was saying in the lines you quoted (below),
> > but that was mostly due to the combination of
> > individual terms that I don't have the occasion to
> > use frequently, and the fact that I don't deal often
> > with philosophical and religious terms.  Once I
> > slowed down, however, and put it together word-by-word,
> > it was a very clear and complete expression of his
> > point of view.
> Just to clarify, Marek, once you get to "illusion of
> a philosophia perennis," it's clear what stance Vaj
> is taking. (Note his use of the Latin rather than the
> English you used.) The point is that he could have
> expressed the same point of view in about a third of
> the number of words *much* more clearly and just as
> completely, if what he wished to do were to communicate
> rather than impress you and the rest of us with fancy
> bafflegab.
> > I may not agree with that view (which doesn't mean
> > that my view is correct), but I have high regard for
> > Vaj's learning and sincerity and it seems apparent
> > to me that he is both well-read in meditation
> > techniques and spiritual practices, and personally
> > experienced in a number of different applications of
> > the spirituality he has pursued.  I regard him as an
> > authentic guy.
> He will be thrilled to know you've fallen for his
> scam.

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