this is all psycho-talk !

--- In, "" <> wrote:
> Ammachi: A Western Renunciate's Experiences behind the Scenes 
> I feel so relieved to finally be free from this 7 year long damaging 
> dependency
> with Mata Amritanandamayi and her organization. Although the depths of my 
> devotion were seemingly bottomless, and I would have done anything to gain 
> her favor, somehow I have managed to extract myself from this bona fide cult 
> masquerading as a charitable
> organization. I am relieved to know that others too are waking up from the 
> intricate web of
> subterfuge. I struggled for the last two years trying to imagine life without 
> the guru, and I
> know how hard it is to undo the neural connections linking Amma to every 
> aspect of
> thought. I understand why for some it will be extremely difficult or 
> downright impossible
> to break the bonds of this mind controlling sect. The truth about the Hugging 
> Saint and the ancient manipulative techniques she employs, along with the 
> scandals her devotees have
> orchestrated will sober up the more astute among us. But the hordes of
> unsuspecting, innocent, guileless infants having divorced their real parents 
> and lives, in
> order to clutch full-time to their Amma dolls, with mantras for pacifiers, 
> while jockeying for
> Amma's mere glance, I feel really sorry for. Nothing can help them because 
> the elaborate
> programming won't allow any thoughts contrary to that of Amma being god. Even 
> rational
> people will have a hard time accepting that what they gave all their time, 
> resources and
> heart to was merely a charismatic bamboozling village girl. Even those who 
> have left (and
> there are many) are still subtly afraid of retribution from Amma psychically 
> or more
> tangibly from her army of ardent devotees.
> In Amritapuri, India, I was not quite in the innermost circle but had 
> revealing
> contact for years with those closest to Amma and by all measure would be 
> considered an
> insider. Being very outgoing myself I made friends with all who didn't hate 
> me because of
> my frequent close proximity to Amma and her personal handmaidens. I got in 
> with
> all the high ups to glean insight into Amma's mystical world. I wasn't shy in 
> my
> conquests and thereby gained access which others could not. I rode on the 
> waves of bliss as I
> got to do special tasks for Ammachi and before Ammachi. I reveled in being 
> needed and called
> while everyone else chopped vegetables. I reverently breathed, meditated and 
> did
> continuous awareness exercises which amplified my bliss to unprecedented 
> heights. Amma
> seemed to like it. Unfortunately, most if not many people skimp on the 
> practices and
> spend their time doing selfless service, moping around in "devotional" 
> yearning, or
> gossiping and stuffing their faces at the western canteen. I took a more 
> maniacal approach
> toward everything from diet to speech to every moment of my day being 
> accounted for. 
> It was very revealing and not by any means the only time in my life I 
> experienced
> altered states of consciousness. (I do take the stand that it can all be 
> explained
> scientifically even Amma's psychic abilities. We laypersons just get 
> flabbergasted when someone has somewhat refined their mental energy and 
> mistake them for god.) It all went
> well, the visions of various deities, loud music spontaneously in ears, the 
> exalted
> emotional states. Eventually reality seeped back in and my life became a 
> struggle to earn enough
> money to go to India and get my fix year after year. Each time a little more 
> magic
> evaporated, yet I still decided to become a renunciate (a full time resident 
> who gives their life
> to the ashram) It only costs $16,000 if interested. But I noticed people were 
> growing
> more unhealthy, the air quality seemed to get exponentially worse, the water 
> filters
> seemed to be rusting and my duties became more clear. The honeymoon was over. 
> One
> angelic young girl actually died of a tumor that spread throughout her whole 
> body. She
> was 18 and spent almost her entire life there. I personally believe she died 
> because
> of lack of nutrition and the toxins in the air and water surrounding the 
> ashram. Of course
> Amma in her omniscience suggested tuberculosis and sent
> her to AIMS (one of Amma's hospitals) only to be misdiagnosed and screwed 
> around for
> the last year of her life. Finally when they found the tumor it was too late. 
> This
> compounded with the sheer insanity of virtually all the residents, the 
> inability to get healthy
> nourishment, Amma's rehearsed daily routine, everyone's angry pent up 
> explosive sexual energy,
> and the now complete impossibility to find any solitude or even quiet 
> anywhere at any
> time within the ashram, had me at my wits end. I started to question where 
> this conforming, 
> contentious, fearful, repressed new personality I adopted was going to lead 
> me. 
> Would I become as neurotic, diseased, insalubrious as so many long term 
> inmates of the
> asylum had become? Would I stay there an adulating sycophant, fearful of the 
> world,
> believing the apocalyptic hype promoted by her minions-- that we are the 
> chosen few,
> liberation is ours through service, everyone else in the world is perishing 
> in the fire of
> worldliness, Amma will save us from the cataclysm sure to come in the western 
> world? I
> decided that I had had enough. I embraced the world as Amma claims to do 
> while actually alienating her robots. I think many people there want to leave 
> but have become so neurotic that they can't even communicate to others now 
> without using their Amma speak or judging and
> condemning people for not being as "spiritual". Many want out, but the 
> prospect of life
> middle-aged in some cold European city, financially destitute from all the 
> touring with Amma
> seems too overwhelming. Others want out but are lost in their youth and have 
> no job
> skills, education, dietary control, or interest in sports and are subject to 
> depression
> in the world. A great catalyst for me has been the outdoors. There are many 
> nurturing
> friendships to be made in the world of outdoor sports. I really hope more 
> people will become
> educated on cult dynamics and educate others. Inspiration for me was also in 
> the form of
> Krishnamurti, The Guru Papers by Alstad, and guruphylliac whose website has 
> many
> provocative articles on Amma and is a vast resource of links to other
> informative websites.
> Amma has blabbered many things in India which went completely over the heads 
> of even those sitting around her. I would look around shocked at times on 
> chai stops (stops on India tours) like "I can't believe she just said that, 
> did you hear that?". Unfortunately none of this is published. She always 
> lectures how national sovereignty fosters bigotry and unequal wealth 
> distribution. She is all about tipping the scales so India gets more, just 
> read her UN speech. She is talking like it's the UN is the hand of god that 
> can wipe out poverty, uplift women. You'd think in all her omnipresence she 
> would know what a bunch of scoundrels she was supplicating. Amma
> has foreseen the collapse of western civilization, she speaks about it as 
> karmically inescapable. She warns about natural disaster as imminent and the 
> dollar being equal to the rupee. She hasn't gone as far to say that we will 
> be a cashless, martial law enforced society with credits being our only 
> wealth and no constitutional rights but she likes to paint a grim picture. 
> And she has said that one day international order will reign as the governing 
> force. She says it like it's a matter of fact. But this will not be found on 
> because she's said these kinds of things when westerners used 
> to ask her questions on Tuesdays and on chai stops. Amma is very careful
> about what is published by the math. She personally reads the final editions 
> and has the swamis who know well her agendas get it to there. She is much 
> more careful now than she was just 5 years ago.
> I have been in a room where Amma was meditating I have sat in her personal 
> house while she rehearsed songs with brahmacharinis. I have felt intoxicated 
> at times and other times driven to tears, and I have also felt nothing at 
> all. It is subjective. These emotional states, nervous tremors, are 
> experiences that are felt around Amma. Or one could argue that she can 
> transmit some energy but for what purpose? To get people hooked is exactly 
> what she is doing; I have had numerous personal conversations with her. And 
> frankly she is quite patronizing, elliptical and aloof. She is mocking, 
> condescending or pretending, rather poorly to be overly caring. She delights 
> in causing mental turmoil, all part of "surrendering the ego". But it's true; 
> too many people are too terrified of her to really have any meaningful 
> dialogue. Of course she makes herself appear busy and it's very difficult to 
> corner her or question her at all. Then when you finally do there is no 
> meaningful dialogue, only authoritarianism. You can't get anywhere with her. 
> She'll say it's your ego that wants to come assert yourself before the master 
> and that a true disciple is
> quiet like a mouse, listening and assimilating the teachings. I see how it 
> can be seen as the
> fault of the devotees around her cringing in reverence, tradition and 
> conformity. But it is not
> their fault, they are brainwashed by Amma to accept this conformity as 
> discipline. One can see this during her satsangs on Tuesdays in Amritapuri 
> where she lectures endlessly on ashram dharma and appropriate behavior. Most 
> do not have enough experience to really know the extent of the deception and 
> programming. Amma claims nothing yet has Disney marketing executives buying 
> her CNN time. Amma is her organization, it is her creation. The truth is the 
> people closest to her are the most programmed and spineless. That's the only 
> way they ignore the truth boiling within, that something is wrong with Amma. 
> She can't keep assertive people in her folds, they leave. Go see what the 
> endless game of pretense and suppression will bestow.
> Thanks for coming out and sharing your experiences in Amritapuri. I am glad 
> you brought up the issue of deplorable working conditions in which Westerners 
> and Indians are taking part of, as seva. For renunciates seva is not elective 
> and for visitors it is strongly suggested. For most it is
> mundane and something like vegetable chopping or washing clothes (with a very 
> nasty Indian detergent but probably no worse than the usual stuff found in 
> the states), but for the
> Others it can be working in the cassette stall, or the printing press, or 
> gluing newsletters. These sevas are very nasty and one must breathe very 
> crude chemicals nonstop. Many are sick
> Western and Indian alike but as A mentioned it's not just from the working 
> conditions but also the tainted water supply. The filtered water there is so 
> bad it tastes way harsher than any tap water I have ever had the misfortune 
> of tasting here in the US. The water is clearly rusty and filthy. Of course, 
> with everyone in that densely populated coconut jungle, burning their trash 
> (consisting mostly of plastic) every morning as their means of disposal, one 
> can't expect air quality to be much better. The food is laden in chemicals 
> outlawed in the US and frequently one can find plumes of smoke coming from 
> trucks which is DDT used to kill disease spreading
> mosquitoes. The sugar used for chain and sweets is so coated with DDT the 
> ants won't even attempt to carry it off. The backwaters are frighteningly 
> polluted with
> feces and all manner of abomination. So, it is no wonder that many long term 
> resident W Westerners with their 1st world immune systems are looking 
> terrifyingly unhealthy. If they aren't gaunt from self inflicted starvation 
> they are obese with that nutritionally deficient food they must eat more and 
> more of just to get a little nutritionist's a toxic place no doubt, that 
> epicenter Ammachi's brand of spirituality. Ammachi doesn't limit her verbal 
> abuse to hippies; she
> likes to make fun of obese people, Japanese, overly devotional and gays. 
> These are just the things I have personally witnessed.
> I was involved with Ammachi for 7.5 years. I was probably around her 
> physically for over half that
> total time. I was a college student when I met her. I was finding that 
> science knew little about subtle energy and I thought Ammachi was a better 
> teacher. I started realizing how confusing and misguided the organization was 
> slowly and it built up more and more in the latter 4 years. I started seeing 
> how Amma manipulates people, how greedy she is, how hypocritical, and how 
> contradictory her teachings are. I was very involved, had given much mental 
> energy, time and money so it was difficult to sever. But the truth weighed in 
> and I couldn't stand to be in her presence eventually.
> P, First of all, where does all that money really go? I have been told it is 
> to support the poor through Amma's orphanages, hospitals, etc. Is that true, 
> in your experience? If it's not, where is it all going?
> The charities are a front. It is my experience that the money is going to 1.
> Amma's family. Check out her sister's mansion across the backwaters, replete 
> with razor
> sharp shrubs encircling it. 2. Her personal luxuries. Check out her Mercedes 
> Benz
> camper and matching 2005 600 series v8 sedan. Combined retail about $400,000. 
> "Oh it was
> a donation" they all whisper. Well if Amma is serious about relieving the
> suffering as Schindler was in the end of Schindlers list then why doesn't she 
> hock them and
> put some food into the bellies of some of the countless starving people in 
> her province? 
> And 3. Her empire. Her medical college which she has the audacity to call 
> charitable is
> one of three medical colleges in the area of Cochin. It is a capitalist 
> venture. They
> charge admission and they aren't the cheapest either. Her schools (again 
> allegedly charitable)
> are little private schools with stout tuitions. If you go on an Indian tour 
> you will be
> surprised to know that ads for these institutions are blaring all night 
> long-- "give your
> child a wholesome education at Amrita Vidyalayam". Her money is going into 
> generating
> more money. Possibly into the hands of various political groups in India, she 
> allegedly built scores of houses. The truth is those numbers are greatly 
> exaggerated and she does it with much
> government funding! She exaggerates everything to get media recognition. The
> number of people she's hugged is a lie too btw. She has too be filmed from 
> every
> possible angle every time she gives anything. I was there when she gave to 
> tsunami victims. It
> was the biggest orchestrated event ever. What she gave them couldn't have 
> lasted them
> for more than a couple days either. She even went to someplace I can't recall 
> to give
> darshan to tsunami victims where another organization was in the process of 
> clearing land
> to build them houses. The organization was a Christian fellowship and one man 
> was
> furious because he claimed Amma was trying to steal recognition for their 
> charity. And
> don't think Amma is Unitarian. She is Hindu as they come. As a matter of 
> fact, I know
> swami Amritagitananda was sent to the province of Tamil Nadu to intervene 
> when some
> Christian missionaries were trying to teach some villagers about Christ. She 
> sent him to
> turn them into devotees of her.
> How can Amma hold up so many hours hugging people? It is said
> it's because she has supernatural powers. It sounds like you attribute it to 
> the lattes.
> The human body is capable of amazing feats. I once did seva (service) for 32
> hours straight. I was pretty delirious but as long as one eats, one can stay 
> awake
> for days (I did that too). She is being fed lattes and I think it helps her 
> to stay positive. 
> As far as having supernatural powers, I don't think there is anything 
> supernatural about sitting
> upright and hugging and talking to adulating groupies for five to twelve 
> hours.
> P: As close as you were to her, what was the vibe behind the scenes? Is
> Amma pure love, as devotees describe her, or something else?
> The vibe behind the scenes is disappointing to say the least. I know that she
> talks crap about Westerners a lot. She is an ignorant Indian village girl 
> deep inside and
> if you know some you know what I am talking about. They generally dislike 
> Westerners
> because we're rich, fair skinned, and we are not stuck in the Indian 
> socio-economic sexist
> nightmare. They also think we are foreigners who are dirtier than the lowest 
> caste (the
> same cast as Amma is actually). She has said that the westerners don't know 
> what hard work
> is and that we are crazy. I remember on us tour she was making fun of an 
> obese westerner
> who was having trouble getting into her arms from the forced kneeling 
> position. She
> said "why are Westerners so fat?" It is not pure love at all. Its cliquey 
> Indian teenage type stuff. 
> She is home girls with the Indians around her chair and a mystic to us 
> befuddled Westerners. She is not all love and cuddles. She puts it on for the 
> western crowd when she is raking in those
> dollars. 
> P: You spoke about her using age-old techniques of manipulating people. 
> Please describe what those were. Why do you think people get so roped in? 
> What does she teach that makes them get so dependent on her? We are told that 
> Ammachi says "That we are all God" But why, if she really teaches that, are 
> they bowing down to her, and desperate to spend time with her, as if she's 
> God and they're something inferior?
> The age old techniques are very concisely detailed in The Guru Papers, Google 
> it
> and there are some quotes from it. It's a great book, well worth buying if 
> you want to
> understand just how deep your ex-boyfriend has gone. People get roped in for 
> various reasons. Many have no direction in their life when they go to Amma. 
> Others are unfulfilled in their life and seeking spirituality because their 
> money isn't giving them pleasure. Many are completely incapable of living a 
> normal life due to mental disturbances (there are a lot of them in India). 
> Few have I seen who were balanced with exercise, meaningful friendships, and 
> healthy diet that got sucked in. Most are neurochemically imbalanced due to 
> dead processed food and other toxins in
> their environment which they could limit. They are unhappy and rather than 
> taking
> control they look to give someone else control because they don't believe 
> they are capable.
> She teaches worship of her. I hate when people try to say that she has no
> doing in this. Krishnamurti never let anyone do a pada puja (worshipping 
> feet) to him, he flat
> out refused to be idolized. She has a close watch over everything that is
> published. She is in control of everything and she wants to be worshipped as 
> a living god. She claims to see our face in her mind every time we think of 
> her, and that she can hear all of our thoughts and knows all our desires all 
> the time. She likes to say that we are all god. Then she likes to drop little 
> advaitic (non dual) nibbles here and there. But I really don't think she 
> understands it enough or has the intellectual capacity to elaborate on the 
> subject. She has said that we are all children and she can't teach applied 
> physics to a kindergartener. That some are on different levels than others. 
> But it seems she want us all to be on a level way beneath her holiness so she 
> can steal our energy and talents and turn us into mindless immature drones. 
> She is a fountain of contradiction, believe me. She definitely thinks she is 
> god and I have heard
> her say it on numerous occasions. So who wouldn't want to be in the presence 
> of god? Around
> her they say it is merit accumulated from thousands of years that brings one 
> to the
> master and even more to stay in her presence. Which is why so many are torn 
> between
> wanting to leave the crazy ****** and her gruesome scene and thinking they 
> are throwing away
> their lifetimes of merit by not having the cajoles to stick out all the 
> abuse. They
> stick around because they want some state of mind, like parasites feeding off 
> her spunk. But
> really it is she feeding off them. They give the money. I must have give 
> $30,000 and I got
> off lightly. They give the labor. They give their reason and sense and focus 
> all
> their energy at her. And she laps it up.
> **The permission to publish this article was given by the author, the 
> information for this article was collected from original posts on the Yahoo 
> Examma Group.

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