Maharishi was a Blazing Ball of Brahman. Jim's and Ravi's balls are smaller!

--- On Thu, 3/31/11, turquoiseb <> wrote:

From: turquoiseb <>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The sweet speech of the enlightened
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 7:27 AM



The following post is Turq taking advantage of a power outage at work that 
disallows any work to have some fun. Be warned. :-)

Since both Jim and Ravi seem to be having some trouble understanding why some 
here don't quite buy their claims of egolessness and enlightenment, I just 
thought I'd 1) provide a short quote from Maharishi on the subject of the 
speech of the enlightened, and 2) go back to look at only the first few words 
(the ones that appear in Yahoo's Message View) of a few of the 64 posts they 
made during the first 30 hours of this FFL posting week, during which they were 
indulging in a bit of a "feeding frenzy" by dissing other FFL posters, all of 
whom are coincidentally often described by Judy Stein as "TM critics" or 
"anti-TMers," and all of whom (again coincidentally) are among the most 
highly-placed on her own personal Enemies List and subjects of her own "sweet 

Naturally, I will not include any of Judy's own language from the 24 posts she 
made during the this "feeding frenzy" period, even though some of it is of the 
same ilk, because after all, she has never made any claims of being 
enlightened. Nor have any of the TM critics being talked about so sweetly 
below. Jim and Ravi, on the other hand, both claim to be enlightened. You 

>From Maharishi's The Science of Being and Art of Living:

"For speech to be harmonious, appropriate and suitable, thinking has to be 
clear, sharp, and at the least, harmless -- and at the best, life-supporting to 
the whole of the environment. ... This is the technique of the art of speaking: 
that, although we are truthful in our thinking and speaking, the words that 
come out must be pleasing, soft, and of good quality. ... The habit of speaking 
pleasingly lies in cultivating that nature, that politeness, that softness and 
kindness of heart that will not at any time produce harshness of speech. ... 
Blessed are they who speak sweet words."

Quotes by Sri Sri Jim Flanegin (whynotnow7@...):

Re Turq: "Turq, you must be wetting your pants with excitement - Curtis is back 
and Judy is about to be!!! Do they have Depends (adult diapers) in Amsterdam?"

Re Turq: "Turq just cannot deal with the fact that adults allow themselves to 
post at any time in a 24 hour day." (posted at 2:21 AM his time)

Re Turq: "Ravi, Joe has a similar control freak nature as Turq in this case - 
no drinking on-line and get to bed on time dammit! These things are important." 
(posted at 2:42 AM his time)

Re Turq: "Paleeze respond to this guy Judy! He is practically begging you - he 
needs the sharp crack of your crop on his exposed buttocks - lives for it..." 
(posted at 2:48 AM his time)

Re enlightenment: "Also, how can a *theory* ever be true? Either the reality is 
lived, or it isn't." (posted at 2:52 AM his time, included for its Irony Factor)

Re Vaj: "F*ck statistics and research dude - You proclaim yourself the Big 
Buddhist here, so didn't the Buddha say something like believe nothing that you 
hear and only..." (posted at 4:39 AM his time)

Re Vaj: "Careful Vajrah-doodah, you just tipped your hand - frightened of 
liberation, eh? LOL - Seems as translucent as toilet tissue to me, but others 
may have bought..." (posted at 7:27 AM his time)

Re Vaj: "Ha-ha, yeah the grotesque nature of spiritual fakers cracks me up - 
such a bizarre phenomenon when the isolated ego co-opts the process of 
sadhana." (posted at 7:28 AM his time, again included for its Irony Factor)

Quotes by Sri Sri Ravi Yogi (raviyogi@...):

Re Turq, et al: "Barry's got this right - retards like him, Mike and Curtis 
lead such pathetic lives that their lives revolve around attacking TM. Its 
quite obvious..."

Re Turq, et al: "He can't, he knows there is something but he didn't get it 
when the Guru was alive. Now he feels like a jilted lover - pathetic retards - 
Barry, Curtis and now..."

Re Turq: "...pussies are just not tolerated here, learn from Barry. Take your 
shit elsewhere..."

Re Mike: "...shutdown your whorehouse(blogs attacking Gurus) and go home to 
your beloved(Self)"

Re Mike: "Let go of the mental masturbation, just feel and you will know why I 
called him a pussy..."

Re Joe: "No Joeyji I'm drunk on the bottle of divine Vodka that my divine 
mother gave me. I'm hanging out at the FFL Pub ready to engage in a brawl."

Re Mike: "...the mental masturbation, just feel and you will know why I called 
him a pussy." (posted at 3:32 AM his time)

Re Vaj: "LOL.. His whore Vakrabuddhi's really not giving him anything tonight. 
He could have easily chosen to make eternal love to his beloved but he would 
rather whore..." (posted at 6:38 AM his time)

Re Joe: "Joeyji - your whore (intellect) is deceiving you again. Enlightenment 
is not about posses, adornments and collection outside of you." (posted at 7:02 
AM his time, again included for its Irony Factor)




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