Any boobies?

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, turquoiseb <> wrote:

> From: turquoiseb <>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sucker Punch
> To:
> Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 12:29 PM
> When Zack Snyder was pitching this
> movie to Hollywood 
> producers, he described it as "Alice in Wonderland with 
> machine guns." 
> I'd describe it more as a kind of a Bardo experience, 
> including the use of the Beatles' "Inner Light" on the 
> soundtrack at one point. But it's less of a "Turn off 
> your mind, relax and float downstream" Bardo experience 
> than it is a "Turn off your mind, snort, shoot, smoke 
> and ingest a drug cocktail that would put Hunter Thompson 
> under the table, and float downstream" Bardo experience.
> "Sucker Punch" is a mishmash of every video game, CGI 
> action movie, and Bad Girls In Prison movie ever created. 
> It's all flash and style and no content. ZERO content. 
> The plot, if there were one, would sorta kinda revolve 
> around Baby Doll, committed to a mental institution by 
> her evil stepdad because he got written out of her dead 
> Mom's will. But that's just the first level of reality. 
> As soon as Baby Doll is checked in, she starts checkin' 
> the place out, and her fellow inmates like Sweet Pea, 
> Rocket, Blondie, and Amber. They're all babes, because 
> you see it's not really an insane asylum; it's a kind 
> of sleezy whorehouse/strip club run by the same guy who 
> in the mental asylum reality is the head orderly. In 
> the whorehouse reality the babes are supposed to dance 
> for the customers and then "entertain" them. Only thing 
> is, when Baby Doll dances, she enters a third alternate 
> reality (the video game fantasy one), and gets to fight 
> battles, kick ass and take names. You following all of 
> this so far?
> Neither was I. :-) But it doesn't matter because this 
> movie was never *intended* to make any sense. In my 
> opinion it was designed as a super-flashy entertainment 
> for teenagers who have burned their brains out with the 
> drug cocktail I mentioned earlier. Such an audience is 
> not only not familiar with the word "plot," they're 
> incapable of following one. All they can do is stare 
> at the screen, toke up or snort up or shoot up one
> more time, and say "Wow!" It's number two at the box 
> office in America this week, and took in $19.1 million 
> in its first weekend. Welcome to Maharishi's Sat Yuga. :-)
> All of this said, perversely, I kinda enjoyed parts of 
> it. I doubt that many others here will, but I had to 
> write it up anyway because I mentioned it earlier.
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