I think you have to leave a pretty big allowance for individual differences. 
I'm always suspect to a certain degree of someone talking about CC as "I" felt 
this and "I" experienced that. My experience of CC was a sudden violent 
transition of individual identity to no localization at all in about 3 seconds. 
But does this mean everybody has to experience that? I used to think so, but 
now I don't to a certain degree. The intellect is less arrogant, I guess. 
Why do you say that "logically" CC would not be a binary experience? Any 
experience is a condition of mind. Often people confuse sattvic states of mind 
as Being. Even Maharishi used to talk this way (he knew it wasn't true) of 
"infusing being". Of course it's ridiculous. He was just entertaining us. I 
can't grok a "gradual" experience of CC. You're bound, even in great sattva, 
one moment, and then, in some weird magical way that consciousness that you 
call "me" suddenly opens into its non-localization. Truly a "Holy shit" moment 
if there ever was one. You can't even really talk about it. It sounds 
ridiculous. "Hi. I'm not here" No truer words could ever be spoken, but nobody 
gets it if they are not realized. "I was never born and will never die" "I am 
not personal or impersonal" "I have nothing to do with anything" "Everything is 
in me, but I am not" Yeah, that's some real clear shit!
So, I hope this guy is awake to "his" own ineffable Being; that he belongs to 
the "holy shit" club who's members gather once a year and walk around in 
stunned silence alternating with periods of hysterical laughter at the 
indecipherable and indescribable absurd beauty of pure existence.   

--- On Mon, 5/2/11, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:

From: Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Example of Cosmic Consciousness
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 2, 2011, 5:35 PM


On May 2, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 2:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Example of Cosmic Consciousness  Logically 
CC should not be a binary experience. IOW, a switch goes on 
and you're there. It would be gradual. For instance someone noticing, 
as they did years ago, that they seemed to no longer come "out" of 
meditation and that the experience of the transcendence was there along 
in activity. It might be a mild experience of it but it *is* there. 
And more particularly over time should grow. So some of these things 
are "flash" experiences or a spike in the experience but I wouldn't say 
they "popped into CC". They were already there.

TM'ers seem to be in this mode that only a few achieve enlightenment but 
I found in India people expected folks practicing sadhana to get there 
and it was not that uncommon.  In my experience talking to people, some 
experience a clear demarcation, but most ooze into it. You can get wet getting 
caught in a sudden downpour, or you can get wet walking in a heavy mist. Either 
way you’re wet, but in the latter case, you can’t really say when it happened.
Then they might be experiencing growing awareness or just relaxation, but it 
very likely not turiyatita. The transition to CC or turiyatita, at least the 
way yogis have been experiencing it for thousands of years is described as a 
"violent digestion". Not "It seemed so delicate, fragile, almost shy. I did not 
expect it to last." While poetically beautiful and it's nice to hear people 
experiencing relaxation and enjoyment, it's also important not to jump to 
exaggerations, flights of quiet fancy or beliefs one's merely acquired and 
grafted onto obsessions.


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