A couple of assumptions I make:

1)Nobody other than MMY and GD know what their relationship was.
2)What GD wanted MMY to do or not to do is only known to them.

A couple of things I know:

1)For a murderous, con artist, MMY was certainly a blazing Ball of Brahman.
2)His non-functioning, useless techniques certainly are effective.
3)FFL is a wonderful toilet for people to take much needed shits in. Seriously, 
where else could you empty your bowels of this fetid crap? Count yourself 
blessed and truly in the Dharma! 


--- On Thu, 5/19/11, richardnelson108 <richardnelson...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: richardnelson108 <richardnelson...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] To Vaj- The Magical Puja Placebo
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011, 6:38 PM
> Hello Vaj-  I could not help but
> respond to your post #277247.
> Why do you continually feel the need to act like an expert
> about things you know nothing about.
> You say we now "know two things".  We do not "know"
> anything.  We do not "know" that Guru dev never
> authorized MMY to teach.   We do not " know"
> that MMY kept the poem that the pundit wrote about Guru Dev,
> even though he was told to throw it away.  Where do you
> get your facts from?
> You make up these things to fit your point of view. 
> Nowhere in the story that MMY told about that poem (which is
> the only source from which we even know this poem existed)
> did he say he kept it, even though Guru Dev told him to
> throw it in the Ganges.  And it is clear that you know
> nothing about MMY because the one thing you can bet your
> life on is that if Guru Dev told MMMY to do something, it
> would be done.  You make assumptions based on nothing.
> Another great lie that you have continued to propigate in
> past posts is that MMY poisoned Guru Dev.  There has
> never been any evidence that this is true.  But yet you
> continue to quote it as if it is scripture.
> I am not saying that the poisoning or anything else you
> mention is not possible, it just that we don't "know"
> it   I am simply saying there has never been
> any evidence of this.  If there is, please enlighten me
> as to your sources.
> Also you continually have mentioned in the past that MMY
> wanted to get Guru Dev of the seat of Shankaracharya by
> poisoning him, but for what purpose?  MMY could not
> have been given the seat himself and could gain nothing
> about having one of his pals put in Guru Dev's place. 
> There's basicly no money or power of any significance in
> being the Shankaracharya.  Have you been to Jyotir Math
> or Guru Dev's residence in Allahabad?  I have and they
> are nothing much to speak of.
> Good vibes for sure, but far from opulent. 
> So oh wise and mighty Vaj, since you are always making the
> point about MMY getting rid of Guru Dev, tell me what would
> have been the point?
> And by the way genius, the TM puja is traditional. 
> You hear it in temples, at by other swamis.  MMMY did
> say that he pieced it together.
> But it did not come from some student of Guru Dev as you
> say.  You are only showing your ignorance.  
> So again I ask, what is this need you have to continue to
> post as if you are an expert in something that you are not?
> Of course, I don't expect to get a response to this by Vaj
> folks.  He never responds to something when he is
> proven to be a fake.
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