On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:42 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

>>> Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic 
>>> woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals 
>>> are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen 
>>> people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended 
>>> up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from 
>>> taking rasayanas they got in India. 
>> Darwin Award winners, for sure.
> To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
> guru, Swami Kaleshwar:
> http://goo.gl/YF70q
> A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
> that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
> ing with a number of his Western students.

Now there's a shocker.  Only Western ones?

> Turns out
> that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
> a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause 
> the police to have raided his ashram recently. 
> Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
> the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.

Maybe he's got mercury poisoning.


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