Several of nature's people
I know, and they know me;
I feel for them a transport
Or cordiality;

But never met this fellow,
Attended or alone,
Without a tighter breathing
And zero at the bone.*

*for confirmation of Emily's experience, read Barry's post to obbajeeba.

(Another Emily)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Just for fun, Steve, especially because I didn't read a 
> word of the rant that you're referring to, but can almost 
> certainly tell you what it said, and what motivated it.
> --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > For instance, I feel it would be cruel of me to ask you 
> > > to read my last long post to Barry. And why is this? 
> > > Because the extent to which it was successfully exposing 
> > > Barry's weakness, is precisely the extent to which you 
> > > would not like it. And in fact, you *couldn't* continue 
> > > to read it—for this very...
> > 
> > I read about a third of it. And you are right, I *couldn't* 
> > read anymore. 
> That's because you're sane, Steve.  :-)
> I didn't read any of it, but I can tell you all about it.
> First, it was long, at least a couple of thousand words,
> the result of easily half an hour or an hour's worth of
> ranting. Second, it went through my post point by point 
> and tried to turn each point into a condemnation of me, 
> "pointing out my weaknesses." Third, it was so badly 
> written that only someone with abysmally low standards 
> (like an avid Dan Brown reader) would be able to make 
> their way through it. And fourth, it was so obviously an 
> "attack on Barry" that no one other than a person who 
> already had a grudge against him would *want* to read it.  
> Also, it was "cruel" to ask you to read it, but it wasn't
> cruel of him to write it, or to demand that I read it. 
> How'd I do?  :-)
> The reason I'm bothering to comment is to point out some-
> thing that has been pointed out before by Vaj and to some
> extent by Curtis -- the fact that Robin's act *has not
> changed in the least since he was a faux spiritual teacher
> in Fairfield*. It's the same old same old. He's an abuser.
> Back in the Bad Old Days, RWC would drag his followers up
> on stage and yell at them (and possibly even strike them),
> "pointing out their weaknesses" and telling them exactly
> what kinds of demons were possessing them. 
> Now think about the post you're talking about, or his many
> posts to Curtis or Vaj. Does the pattern sound familiar?
> That's exactly what he has tried to do since Day One on 
> FFL to Curtis and to anyone else who doesn't treat him as 
> "special" or authoritative, and allow him to preach at them. 
> So *of course* that's what he would have done with me in 
> the post you're referring to. 
> My crime? I think he's a total ego-dork, and don't find
> him interesting enough to bother with. The crime of the
> people back in Fairfield? Who knows. But we DO know one
> thing -- in both cases 1) he felt that it was his RIGHT
> to abuse someone by "pointing out their weaknesses" or
> their demons, and 2) he felt that it was almost the DUTY
> of the person being abused to not only stand there and
> take it, but be somehow grateful for it. That's classic
> abuser mentality.
> What a load of ego-crap. What insanity. 
> *Especially* in a followup to a post originally (I assume)
> criticizing me for telling Obbajeeba that I wasn't at all
> impressed by her whiny pleas for more of my attention. I 
> got the feeling from Message View that both he and the 
> Judester thought it was BAD of me to suggest to her that 
> she might be better served by getting a life of her own 
> than by obsessing on the lives of others on this forum.
> So what does Mr. Formerly Enlightened do? He obsesses on
> me, and runs his standard abuse number again. I presume
> that, as he did with Curtis, he inserted all sorts of 
> comments as needy and whiny as Obba's, suggesting again
> that it was almost my DUTY to reply to him and debate
> with him, and what an awful person I was if I didn't.
> Well, I didn't. And I won't. He's just not worth my time.
> Guess that makes me an awful person. 
> But, if you think about *time*, and the efficient use of
> it, I would have to say that I think I'm winning. I don't
> bother to read ANY of his silly ego-rants, because by now
> I know what they'll all say without bothering to read them.
> Same with the other people on my Don't Bother With list. 
> But *THEY* are so obsessed with me that *they read every 
> word of every one of my posts*. They probably read them 
> multiple times, trying to work up enough faux outrage and
> hatred to fuel a stinging reply. 
> Seems to me that obsession is its own reward. They're 
> trapped in a samskaric cycle that they cannot escape from.
> They're in EXACTLY the position they want *me* to be in,
> but which they cannot achieve. They have to sit there and 
> read every word I write, whether about them, or about 
> anything else.
> As Ravi might say, they're my bitches.  :-)
> And they will continue to be as long as they continue
> obsessing on me...

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