Thanks for the demonstration of sheer ignorance by the yogis.
That is why Gaudapada condemns their quest for "laya".

For them everything is about actualizing the state of samàdhi.
However for classical vedantin-s  samàdhi is a path value that
is only valued for its ability to generate clarity of consciousness
(chitta). After that is is a path of bondage.

Classical Vedanta is founded upon the insight of the Upanishads
not the meditative absorptions (laya) of yogi-s.

This is why the so called "yogic vedanta" of Vidyaranya and folk
is a path of defeat by samsara.

--- In, "cardemaister" <cardemaister@...>
> Shankaracharya's guru had told Shankaracharya that Patanjali was
reincarnated as Govinda Bhagavatpada and was meditating in a cave
somewhere in the state of samadhi.[7]

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