
Don't take him seriously. Willy is just a corpse-guarding ghost,
like the shriek of a strong wind on a cold day.

Corpse-guarding ghost is the title given in Chan Buddhist circles for
the unfindable 'I' - you know, the one that seems to exist while a
thought is present but can't be traced once thoughts cease.

Willy claims everything is Buddhist because he feels that way he can
"one up" the Hindoo-s and thus make himself look superior.
Trouble is he uses old, half-baked sources `cause he doesn't
know better.

The foundation of Vastu in Indian architecture is detailed in English in
Symbolism of the Stupa by Adrian Snodgrass which clearly established the
roots of the stupa in the Vedic fire altar and the internalization of
that sacrifice (antar-yagya) as found in the Upanishads and then ported
over to Buddhist yoga and architecture. You can purchase the book on
Amazon or view parts of the text with a Google search.

And yep me too.

I talked to Buddha and he "said" that Willy was just a label
conveniently applied to a mere assembly of flesh, blood and pus sitting
around punching keys on a keyboard.

Nothin' but wind whistling around the corner.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
<richard@...> wrote:
> mjackson74:
> > ...you mean that unless I believe and speak to things
> > that can be historically proven, then no assertions
> > of mine will be believed?
> >
> No, I mean telling fibs about talking to dead people
> like the Buddha is all we need to know in order to cast
> doubt on any assertions you make about anything,
> historical or otherwise.
> Now back to Judy, Robin, Curtis, and Barry. LoL!

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