More cross-eyed yoga.

Mantra japa is for those who can't do anything else.
Fortunately, TM has nothing to do with mantra-japa.

Write your own book on TM.
You can call it Yogananda's TM.

--- In, wgm4u <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Mantra Japa leads to bliss consciousness! Been there, (not lately, too
many sleeping elephants) but enough to know TM works. The holy mantras
of the Rishis lead to bliss, as MMY used to say, "All roads lead to
Rome", or bliss consciousness.
> Even Swami Yogananda extolled the virtues of mantra japa (ie. TM)
though he thought Patanjali's *ALL* 8 limbs were superior (including
concentration or Dharana);  thanks to MMY however for enlightening we
ignorant Westerners as to the very nature of consciousness as the
foundation of relative creation, Jai MMY. Peace!
> PS According to Swami Yogananda it may just *take longer*, so be it.

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