2 important things to be aware of at this time:


* Deer mating season is starting. I drove out of Jeff Co Park Tues night. 3
deer crossing Libertyville Rd. Took a left turn

on Key Blvd - 100' 2 more deer xing;  200' feet further 2 more deer xing.
They are constantly on the move over next 6-8 

weeks. Be extra careful driving at night!!


* New Law Increases Penalties for School Bus violation. First time violation
= a fine of $250-$675 + 30 suspension of driver's

license. Everyone knows you have to stop behind a parked bus with lights
flashing and Stop arm out. Most people also know that

you have to stop when meeting a school bus from the front on a 2 lane road.
What you may not know, and many people are finding

out the hard way is that if you are driving in the opposite direction from
which the bus is driving, on Burlington/#34, you have to

STOP when the lights are flashing/Stop arm is out EVEN THOUGH THERE IS
TURNING LANE separating you from the other

direction lane. 


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