Guess you never practice anymore.
That would explain a lot.

The reference was to YS 3.34 ( or YS 3.35 depending on the version)

hridaye chitta samvit
(on the heart - awareness of consciousness )

--- In, "Richard J. Williams"
<richard@...> wrote:
> > > EB, sounds like Chandogya Upanishad, 8.1:
> > >
> emptybill:
> > Yep, and Vyasa's commentary on the heart sutra points
> > this out.
> >
> You're not even making any sense - the 'heart sutra' is
> a Mahayana Buddhist work, 'Vyasa' is a legendary author,
> and all the Upanishads came AFTER the historical Buddha.
> Go figure.
> Everyone knows that the Heart Sutra comes from Kushan
> Kashmere in the 1st century A.D.
> It should be obvious, even to a casual reader, that MMY
> got almost all his ideas about the perfection (siddhi)
> of transcendental (emptiness) wisdom (prajna) from
> Mahayana Buddhist sources, borrowed by Gaudapadacharya
> Shankaracharya and Patanjali from Tantric Yoga Buddhism.
> According to Kelsang Gyatso, the 'Heart Sutra' contains
> a mantra in the original Sanskrit, which explains in a
> very short, condensed form, the essence of the Shunyata
> Transcendentalism.
> 'Heart of Wisdom'
> by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
> Tharpa Publications, 2001
> page 125

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