You sound jealous and bitter, Barry, at having lost Judy, to Robin, in your 
head. Its OK, she will continue to pay attention to you, virtually forever. 

Yes, it is true, you and Judy were an item, and ROBIN was *the other man*, but 
now the roles are reversed, and you are left on the outside, looking in. Story 
of your life, huh? 

Take heart, Barry, Judy will be back soon enough, to tend to you, personally. 
Mark my words, you will again be, The Center Of Attention.:-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > That's one way of looking at the situation. There
> > are others. 
> And here's one of them. I present it just *as* a theory, 
> and as opinion. Unlike Judy, who tends to present *her* 
> opinions and theories as if they were Absolute Fact, 
> and the disputing of them a crime. :-)
> It struck me this morning that what Judy reminds me
> of with regard to her ongoing "defense" of Robin 
> are those women who develop crushes on men confined
> to prison for life. 
> Such women exist. They develop a strange fascination
> with a serial killer or some other "lifer" they've 
> never met, and bombard them with letters, seeking to 
> be their "pen pals" or "lovers from afar" or whatever 
> they imagine themselves to *be* to these men. In some 
> cases, these women have actually MARRIED the prisoners, 
> even though they'll never spend a night together. 
> My theory is that there's a bit of that in Judy Stein
> and her obsession with Robin. He's SAFE to obsess on,
> off there in the prison-of-his-own-making, having
> cut *himself* off from further communication. So she
> fawns and gushes over him from afar, trying to butter
> him up and hoping beyond hope that someday he'll 
> "come back" to FFL and appreciate her for becoming
> what he was never able to achieve in real life -- a 
> totally devoted cult follower. 
> One wonders whether she imagines some odd *romance*
> going on between her and Robin, one that has been
> somehow frustrated by evil people like Curtis and
> Steve and myself getting in the way of their True 
> Love. 
> Altogether fairly odd behavior for a woman he never
> found interesting enough to have any long conversation
> with while he was actually around. Real in-her-head
> stalker fantasy stuff. 
> It's just a theory. But run it through your internal
> processors and see if it doesn't describe her behavior
> pretty well. And if it doesn't explain it for you,
> come up with your own theory. 
> But I warn you...if your Theory Of Judy Stein And
> Why She Does The Things She Does conflicts with her
> fantasy view of who she is and why *she* thinks she
> does what she does, you'll wind up on her Enemies
> List. And she tends to obsess on her perceived 
> enemies the same way she tends to obsess on those
> she has fantasy romantic relationships with in 
> her head.  :-)

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