Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
what the worst part is?

She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
*her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?

Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.

Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

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