This series of posts from Barry is so obviously off-the-wall insane I'm not 
even going to try to address them. They're evidence of desperately serious 
psychopathology and fanatical obsession that have completely taken over his 
mind. I won't even call them full of lies, because he's so far gone he 
genuinely believes what he writes. So let's just say they're full 
of...uh...inaccuracies. Or better, delusions and hallucinations.

 I'll just point out the delusion he starts with: Neither Ann nor I "brought 
up" Robin. This series of discussions began with Michael Jackson claiming that 
Maharishi had declared Robin and Andy Rhymer to be enlightened.

 And it all goes downhill from there.

 Oh, one bit of inside info from my private communications with Robin: Robin's 
last post was his attempt to wrap up the argument Curtis had forced on him and 
get out of FFL for good. He was sick of the place. He neither expected nor 
wanted Curtis or anyone else to respond, contrary to Barry's convoluted 

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