I know some of them, they are the most sincere and at the same time the most 
chilling people to be around - definitely people who need to live next to a 
Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge so they can be changed by the vibes - if you 
believe in that sort of thing. 

Interestingly folks of that type were reaaaaaaaly into the Lord of the Rings 
movies. I know a man, TM initiator, whose sister is a fundamentalist Christian 
who is of that stripe and she tried to get everyone in her family to go see the 
Two Towers and the Return of the King, especially.

When they were all sitting in the theater during one of the big battle scenes 
his sister whispered "See? This is what Armageddon is going to be like!"

My initiator friend said his sister was watching the screen like Jay-sus 
himself was on it.

On Sat, 3/1/14, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Who Are You Going to Call?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014, 6:57 PM
 Yes, I read about that.
 I found it hard to believe but it turned out I was just
 wasn't capable of crediting people with behaviour like
 But then,
 there is a privately funded creation museum in America so
 it's clear they walk the walk big time. Not like over
 here where religion is at most a summer fete on the vicarage
 Mind you, I
 am seriously looking forward to "Noah" with
 Russell Crowe. Sounds like a classic....
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...>
 From: salyavin808
 Saturday, March 1, 2014 7:12 PM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Who Are You Going to Call?
 worry, they will. Could you imagine a war between US and
 Russia just now? They could annihilate the Earth a thousand
 times over before you even reply to this.
 why the US war machine only attacks third world countries
 that are already on their knees. Anything
 else would rapidly become a very dangerous stand-off.
 I bet Putin plays a better game of poker than
 Obama. Best
 to pretend it isn't something worth getting upset about
 than to lose face later on
 You forget that the acronym MAD (Mutually Assured
 Destruction) actually *appeals* to many of the religious
 fanatics on this planet. Think about the number of
 Chrisschuns in America who fund Israeli aggression *so that*
 they can bring about the very Apocalypse they seek.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...>
 say NO to WWIII.  Let the
 Russians and Ukrainians sort it out.  America is broke
 and can't
 afford any more wars.
       On 03/01/2014 08:22 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
 There will be "costs" if the Russians send in
 troops into the Crimea. President Barack Obama warned
 Moscow on Friday. Obama has crossed a "red line"
 (no pun
 intended) so the Russians recalled their U.S. ambassador
 to Moscow. Now the poor people in Ukraine are really
 screwed. Go figure.
 Newspeak Dictionary:
 "U.S. Officials See Russian Incursion into Ukraine as
 'Uncontested Arrival,' Not an
 "In other words, to save face over the fact that
 nothing much we can do to stop this, the official U.S.
 line is that this can’t be an invasion if the Russians are
 being … greeted as liberators."

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