You didn't know rhinos were herbivores, Mike? 

 "foraging for it's next *vegetarian* meal"? LOL!

 On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 8:21 PM, "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...> 


---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 "Yusuf, a keeper, sleeps with three orphaned baby rhinos at the Lewa Wildlife 
Conservancy in northern Kenya. The youngest rhino on the right was orphaned 
when poachers killed his mother on Ol Pejeta Conservancy. The largest rhino, 
Nicky, is not an orphan but is being hand-raised because her mother is 
partially blind."

  Thank God that for every poacher, for every animal abuser, for every human 
who finds pleasure in tormenting another animal there are 500 who will give 
their time, energy and intention to rid the world of unnecessary suffering of 
those splendid, loving, rare creatures that surround us. Just look at that 
sleeping rhino's eye and understand he/she dreams of nothing more threatening 
and harmful than the plains of Africa or where to forage for its next 
vegetarian meal. And those ears - little trumpets. The rings around the eyes 
that make one so young look so old  - almost as old as the dinosaurs. But the 
horn, the thing that dooms this little fellow and others like him because of 
some antiquated notion of magic potion that enhances fertility. If anyone wants 
to get excited about woo woo let this be the cause that might compel one to 
counteract such ignorance with a vengeance.



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