What annoys theists is the arrogant ignorance of the "vocal few" atheists (who 
have, of course, a much grander goal than watching theists react--they  want to 
stamp out theism for good). 

 I don't believe in the kind of God Barry imagines all theists agree on, so I 
can't answer his question about the "benefits" of such belief. I don't "believe 
in" the God of classical theism either; I just can't rule it out.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Sometimes I look at the way that believers react to the word "atheist" -- 
spitting it out as if it were an epithet -- and find it a curious reaction. I 
mean, with the exception of a vocal few who make their livings by poking 
theists just to watch them react, I don't see most everyday atheists (and I 
know quite a few, living where I live) reacting to believers in the same 
fashion. Unless the believers are trying to sell the atheists their beliefs, 
that is. Then all bets are off and the atheists can react to the proselytizing 
believers however they wish. 

Anyway, it's like the believers perceive the atheists as a *threat*, and as if 
by believing what they do and <spit> daring to say it aloud or write it 
somewhere they are trying to *take* something from them. 

I don't get this. *What*, after all, could an atheist "take" from a believer in 
God? They've got all they need by believing that there is someone/something IN 
CHARGE, and that there is a PLAN for all of this, right? So why are they so 
antagonistic towards a few vocal atheists speaking their minds and suggesting 
that no one is in charge and that there is no plan?

To help me understand this, I'm asking the believers in God here to speak up 
and tell me what the BENEFITS of such a belief are. Such that you would miss 
them and feel something had been taken from you if you no longer believed?

What would such BENEFITS be? 

Surely you can name a few. 


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