On 4/18/2014 3:37 AM, cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:
FWIW, I seem to recall having seen tattvamasi (that's how it's spelled in DN, that is, without any spaces between the individual words)read as 'tattvam asi' , something like '(you) are the truth'. Be it as it may, the personal pronoun (tvam) is not necessary, because the verb form (asi)
clearly expresses the fact that the second person singular is meant.
FYI, almost all the Upanishads were compiled after the historical Buddha's passing. The schools of Vedanta are named after the relation they see between Atman and Brahman:

According to Advaita Vedanta, there is no difference.
According to Vishishtadvaita the jivatman is a part of Brahman, and hence is similar, but not identical. According to Dvaita, all individual souls (jivatmans) and matter are eternal and mutually separate entities.

Other schools of Vedanta include Nimbarka's Dvaitadvaita, Vallabha's Suddhadvaita and Chaitanya's Acintya Bhedabheda.

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