Anyone could make a "well-documented" evidence. Cook up a manuscript, pay a 
dozen poor Hindu-boys a few rupies to read it in front of a camera and, viola ! 
That's what the britishers did to use in their smear-campaign against Sai Baba. 
At least I believe they were britishers due to the plumpness of their efforts. 
It had the "SUN" written all over it.

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 4/23/2014 8:26 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
 > Just as Satya Sai Baba, whose exploits as a serial child molester 
 > couldn't have *been* more well-documented, escaped any kind of 
 > prosecution during his (sorry) life. 
 Maybe you could post the "well-documented" evidence for us to read, 
 because I didn't find much convincing evidence here. Has he ever been 
 convicted of a crime? I'm not trying to defend Sai Baba, but your claims 
 are suspect to say the least. Go figure.
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