The old Unity movement and their Unity Village in Kansas City as has been a 
case also with the Transcendental Meditation movement and Fairfield, Iowa 
evidently were great introductions to spiritual transcendentalism and a unity 
in the transcendental state by experience of what practical spirituality in 
life comes of the Unified Field. The Unity movement at its time evidently was 
that as an introduction at its time like with TM coming along more recently has 
been. Both Unity and TM providing an experiential critique of materialism in 
their time.

 It is interesting how transcending can be taught to and has been taught to in 
different times. I was harmony singing over the lunch hour yesterday with some 
other conservative Fairfield meditators here and we sang this old hymn that 
came from the Shaker spiritual movement where the text is rejoicing in the 
efficacy of their movement then when they were teaching transcendence as 
spiritual practice in their system at that time.

 An Old Ship of Zion:
 SH 79 The Old Ship of Zion 
 SH 79 The Old Ship of Zion This is 
a little scrappy at points, but it's still good fun, especially the third verse.
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 It seems every generation or two, probably all through human time someone 
comes and re-expresses the ultimate teaching of transcendence as spirituality 
in life that way. Like the Unity movement in its time or TM in our time.

 Sometimes the teaching stays individuated like with Emerson and sometimes it 
propagates in groups or even in to popular movement. It is all the same based 
on experience of the absolute. This expression and re-expression in 
self-referral transcendental spiritual experience of the Unified Field becomes 
the real story of the progression of all our manifest destiny in American 
history. Cultivating the transcendence in human experience meditating evidently 
is very American. Cultivation of the transcendent state is ultimate 
spirituality and teaching it is revolutionary action in the face of 
materialism. Subverting people's experience of the transcendent is nothing less 
than counter-revolutionary, anti-scientific and anti-American spiritual 

 -Buck in Meditating Fairfield, Iowa


 The Fairfield Meditating Community:
 “We are a group of people who have come together and created a community for a 
transcendentally important common purpose, which of course is to practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program and the TM-Sidhi program together as a group, 
for the sake of bringing coherence to national and world consciousness based on 
balancing labor and leisure to meditate while working together for the benefit 
of the community. Our Super-Radiance meditating community includes families of 
all the TM-Meditators and TM-Sidhas in the Fairfield, Vedic City and Jefferson 
County area.” 


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