Buck, it seems to me that the TM generation while still current is past, so I 
am wondering what you think the characteristics of its spiritual successors 
will be. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 It seems every generation or two, probably all through human time someone 
comes and re-expresses the ultimate teaching of transcendence as spirituality 
in life that way. Like the Unity movement in its time or TM in our time.

 For some time now it appears that there is a trend of spirituality gradually 
divorcing itself from its historical religious roots and belief structures. To 
some extent Maharishi did this, but was not completely sincere in intent, but 
now that the TM org is ossifying its 'canon', it is no longer free of such 
fetters and will no longer serve this trend. What form do you think the 
mythology of transcendence will take in the light of these shifts in 
understanding? There are trends in science and psychology that would seem to 
indicate the metaphysical interpretation of human experience will simply be 
left behind as an historical curiosity.


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