I love the way you say "merely" wrong about something. But you are a master at 
making all this insanity seem reasonable. 

 What you have to remember is that for most people in the TMO Marshy was 
incapable of being wrong about something and they act accordingly no matter how 
contradictory or just plain stupid his ideas were.

 There are two important  things here. First is that MJ is right, the TMO tries 
on all sorts of crap just to make money. None of it is tested in anyway other 
than in having a few true believers say they had a good "experience" while 
doing it. Take MVVT for instance, a masterstroke in that it depends entirely 
for it's perceived credibility on people having read King Tony's book which 
came out a few years earlier.

 I was on a long rounding course when MVVT was introduced and was to be tried 
on people at a discount price to get feedback for the brochures. I predicted to 
all who would listen (not many) that it would work out to have the same 
effectiveness as a placebo, I thought it might be better slightly because of 
the self-selecting group of volunteers but no, a placebo it is. Was it removed 
from the Marshy catalogue of products? No. 

 And nor was anything else that gets sold based on the myth of vedic 
superiority, like yagyas or just plain ayurveda itself. I still get monthly 
notices that an expert in this "world's greatest system of natural healthcare" 
is visiting the country with his "time tested" formulas for perfect health. The 
fact that the TMO has been sued many times because of poisonous medicines isn't 
mentioned anywhere. And the first thing any sensible ayurvedic doctor does when 
a patient gets ill is recommend they go to a specialist! They often ignore that 
advice and effectively kill themselves by relying on rasayanas but that's 
brainwashing for you.

 You couldn't make this stuff up. But people really honestly believe it still 
regardless of the contrary evidence. At best it's folie a deux, at worst they 
know damn well that Marshy products, like yagyas or amrit kalash, aren't any 
better than not doing anything at all and should quit it.


 PS "Time tested". What does that even mean?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 Well, "enlightened" is such a vague term. 

 Fred Travis' studies on enlightened TMers (preliminary CC) don't assert that 
they are perfect, only that they report a certain kind of internal "experience" 
and that there is a physiological pattern associated with the self-reports. It 
says nothing about whether they are correct in everything that they do.

 That was Maharishi's thing: to assert that enlightened people (meeting his 
definition) were going to be perfect in some way.

 As for spin-doctoring, this assertion from you has no basis in fact, but is 
merely your desire to show that Maharishi was a bad person, rather than merely 
wrong about something:

 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 How can that be if he was enlightened? And what part of my erudite writing do 
you feel is spin doctored?
 On Sun, 4/27/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... <LEnglish5@... 
mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji is to be praised
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 4:03 PM
 The most likely cause of the deaths is that
 Ayurveda, Maharishi or otherwise, isn't as perfect as
 Maharishi thought it was.
 The rest is spin-doctoring on your
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 <mjackson74@...> wrote :
 Refined mercury is
 not used in every single ayurvedic formula for every ailment
 under the sun. Given the fact that lots of terminally ill
 patients with various kinds of ailments went to this clinic,
 it is unlikely that every formula used called for mercury
 and as you know ayurveda doesn't just rely on herbal
 formulas - there are a lot of techniques that traditional
 ayurved uses that don't involve herbs at all such as oil
 pulling routines. 
 The PR that was always done on Maharishi Ayurveda since its
 first unveiling in 1986 was that Marshy was able, with his
 enlightened awareness to "cognize the full value of
 natural law" in the now fragmented and incomplete
 practice of ayurveda, thus ayurveda was "re-enlivened
 in terms of its fundamental principles by Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic physicians and
 restored to its completeness."
 I heard Bevan say many a time at MIU that Marshy's
 enlightened awareness enabled him to cognize all the various
 deep and subtle aspects of ayurveda that had been missing
 for centuries in India and thus ahd restored ayurveda to its
 If that were the case, it seems clear that it would be
 impossible to for there to be a lack of knowledge or
 technique on how to refine the mercury to the proper level.
 Also given the fact that in India they still use heavy
 metals that have been refined in various ayurvedic formulas
 with no apparent ill effect and the fact that ayurvedic big
 shots like Balraj Maharshi, Dwivedi and especially Triguna
 were "working" with Marshy, seems impossible that
 such lack of technique could exist, although in
 Triguna's case everyone I ever heard from who had a
 consultation with him said it was a blast to see him
 especially in India where his followers would run around
 like Keystone cops doing his bidding cause he was so famous,
 yet none of them were ever cured of their ailments by his
 herbal prescriptions.
 The more likely cause of these folks deaths are that Marshy
 didn't know a damn thing about ayurveda and simply used
 it as another spring board to financial comfort for Marshy
 and family. The fact that he used human lives in his hunt
 for fame and comfort is I am sure incidental to Indian
 sensibilities but seems rather cavalier to us in the
 On Sun, 4/27/14, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 is to be praised
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 12:16 PM

 Ayurved has some very powerful tools for boosting
 the immunesystem and for rejuvenation. Triguna was behind
 the efforts for terminally ill patients so the question
 why it wasn't more successful. From what I've
 it boils down to the failure in purifying mercury which
 vital in many of the recipy's. Maharishi through
 millions on this particular project and had top Vaidyas
 working on this since early 80's in Seelisberg. The
 that is safely possible Ayurveda will revamp medicine.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 <LEnglish5@...> wrote :
 know as much as I do: they built this massive 5-star
 facility that was The Raj on steroids, and invited
 patients from all over the world to come and get
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 surprising since only the absolute, most hopeless cases
 supposed to come in the first place as their last hope.
 was meant to show the utter superiority of Maharishi
 Ayurveda Done Rightâ„¢ to the World. And...
 died. Virtually all of them died.
 of story.
 told the Movement to just "walk away" from such
 place of death and they did.
 place is now just ruins.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 <mjackson74@...> wrote :
 have never heard this story of the failure of TM ayurveda
 got any details?
 On Sat, 4/26/14,
 LEnglish5@... <LEnglish5@...>
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji
 to be praised
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 5:15 PM
 I don't speak any Indian language, but none of
 the English reports I have seen (including the links
 say that Girish has that kind of wealth, only that he is
 part of a 12-member committee that has control of that
 wealth (12,000 acres).
 And of course, if you actually look
 at the figures, the estimates of how much the land is
 is obviously exaggerated: the largest single item is the
 Maharishi Ayurveda complex which now lies in utter
 In its
 hey-day, it was meant to be The Raj on a grand scale: a
 complex of hospitals and hostels with 3200 5-star hotel
 rooms meant to provide an absolutely nourishing
 for those unfortunate people who were deemed
 "terminal" by Western medicine but could be
 due to the miraculous superiority of Ayurvedic
 When the
 masses of terminally ill patients did what Western
 said would happened, and died by the thousands, Maharishi
 told the TM movement to "walk away" from the
 of death (or words to that effect) and the complex fell
 complete ruin.
 ain't worth $1.5 billion and there's no way it
 ever be because it wasn't built as a 5-star *resort*
 as a 5-star *hospital* and there's no way 3200
 at-a-time are going to want to pay 5-star prices to say
 that particular region for any length of time. Without
 promised miracle cures of Ayurveda, it is a completely
 worthless venture.

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