...after his seed fails to bear fruit, on the barren ground of FFL, a plan 
begins to hatch in his fevered mind -- It comes to him after he shuts down the 
PC and leaves the house for some fresh air, taking the '83 Olds out for a spin, 
maybe a slug of hooch, maybe not...  

 As he cruises down the highway, he passes a carpet store, with one of those 
blow up stick guys flailing around, out front. And suddenly, he SEES it! ...Get 
TEN of 'em, sewn into TWO massive hands, and...and...drive to Iowa, and, FEEL 

 Hands sweaty on the steering wheel, he muses, "This is gunna be BIG, really, 
really BIG...evening news, choppers, maybe even a visit, to Fairfield, by Wolf 
Blitzer, or Al Roker, or even, Andy Dick - my campaign, my platform, my 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Mikey, the Jews having to register was not correct.  That was pointed out to 
you over a week ago.  Come on now son, let's stay on track. Shall we? 

 (at this point our protagonist paces the stage, experiencing some cognitive 
dissonance that one of his pet premises has been shot down)

 A soliloquy begins:  "This powerful guru, still powerful after death!  Oh, how 
thin I am spread, from California to Ukraine.  I have only turned two away this 
month.  Forgive me! Forgive me!  Am I not up to the task?  No, of course I am!  
I must continue this mission.  They say I am entitled to my own opinions, but 
not my own facts!  HOW DARE THEY?  My narrative must stand.  It must stand, 
must stand, must stand.........."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 and you are ignoring the violence inthe Ukraine, the fact that Jews now have 
to register and all that??? 
 On Fri, 5/9/14, srijau@... mailto:srijau@... <srijau@... mailto:srijau@...> 
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] calm the situation in Ukraine-you can help!
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, May 9, 2014, 12:16 AM
 also Citizen Sidha groups program start very
 recently near Moscow with over 70!
 Ukraine Creating
 Coherence and Harmony in the Collective Consciousness of
 Ukraine for Peace and Unity in the Nation 
 View on www.invincible-ukraine.org

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