On 8/10/2014 6:53 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Buck, thank you for saying this, especially the bits about how the critics don't live here and have nothing invested here and haven't had for a long time. This most recent series of posts shows how out of date their info is.

More importantly, it shows how at least one of them, is ever ready to not only dig up the worst of the past, but to actually assert that the present good news is a lie. And there has not been any acknowledgement of the wrongness of that assertion.

I feel like I'm on a learning curve and that's a good thing.
The two pervs that posted that slander about the president of the university and the faculty member should probably be banned by now - if there was any justice left on this forum.

Now that Judy is gone, there's nothing to stop them and the moderator won't help us - apparently he is too busy interviewing enlightened people who want to make a buck. In not too many weeks or a few months, this forum will probably be just a breeding ground for shit heels and nobody will even want to visit this site.

In some cases they even turn the moderators and try to ban the TMers. It's just fucked up. The same thing happened over on Google Groups - after awhile the discussion just goes to shit and the anti-TMers take over. Then, when everyone deserts the forum the Islamists take over.

Google Groups:

If I lived up in there in Fairfield I wouldn't even want to show my face in town if anyone knew I was associated with running this discussion group. FFL sucks. That's what I think.

On Saturday, August 9, 2014 10:02 PM, "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

No, this is way more than their hurting themselves. Theirs is hateful rant thrown like grenades into a group denying the right of a people to even exist. Talk about defamation as terrorism and terrorism is a brand of underground warfare these guys are waging war upon us in their methods and persistence. The deal here is these haters do not live in the community, have not for ages and have nothing vested in it now. For the well-being of our own communities here these deniers need to be helped with their wrong thinking about what good is really going on here. It is getting time to really defend ourselves against this organized incursion of theirs in to our way of life. Certainly there is a place for restraining them from hurting themselves but there is also a place for restraining them from hurting others. I feel all options should be on the table,
-Buck in the Dome

srijau writes:
..does not matter much as he is mostly only hurting himself. Its nothing like Vaj, Vaj was a cunning liar with elaborate deceptions.
This is just a lot of ranting.

  • [FairfieldLife]... srijau
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