As I read it, one or another of the mantra traditions in India assign 
mantra-hood to any short set of Sanskrit syllables, so if there are equivalent 
Hebrew and Sanskrit sounds, then by definition, the equivalent collection of 
Hebrew syllables are mantras. 

 There's a LOT of 1, 2, 3 and 4 syllable combinations in Sanskrit, are there 
not? That means there are a LOT of vedic mantras, depending on which 
tradition(s) you look at.



---In, <hepa7@...> wrote :

 The Hebrew noun plural ending (mostly masculine) is -im.

E.g. Genesis 1:1 - bereshit bara elohim* et-hashshamaim ve-et ha-arets.

 * G-d; (pagan) gods.

 Song of Songs in Hebrew is shir hash-shirim!

 What gives??


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