What I am referring to is the state of mind where one believes oneself to be 
enlightened when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. I suppose one 
clings to this belief just because one wants to.
I was looking at the Peak for a minute and this post caught my eye as I was 
about to log off. I post it here because of the debate that raged for a long 
time over Jim claiming enlightenment and some of us like me and Barry calling 
him on it. So when I noticed this post by the former Dr. Dumbass, I had to post 
it. I am sure that someone on here who is also on Peak will tell him and there 
may be flak over it, but come what may, I think it is germane to the ongoing 
discussion over enlightenment, especially here since Dr D aka fast mac and 
cheese Jimmy always claimed loudly that he was enlightened.  
Here is his recent Peak post:
"I was in an unusual situation a few years ago - Even though I was awake (pure 
awareness 24/7), there were still some significant structural stresses in my 
life. One of the things about being awake, at least for me, is that ideal life 
(including all areas of a householder's life: finance, career, relationships, 
love, and beauty), continuously tries to manifest itself, through me. If these 
areas are not ideal, the innocent momentum, once awake, is to make them so.
 Being 'on the planet', and a householder, means it takes some time. So, I 
found myself both awake, and on a prescription for antidepressants, for four 
years. They do interfere with subtle perception, so I quit, after they were no 
longer necessary. The point being, there can be a considerable amount of 
wakefulness, unbounded awareness, and life goes on, too, including the messy 
In my world view, if you think someone is enlightened, and still needs to take 
antidepressants for years, especially if you take Marshy's definition of 
enlightenment as truth, then you need serious psychological counseling. 
His post ignores whatever state he had to take the antidepressants for, one 
assumes depression. Can an enlightened person get depressed? No, not if 
enlightenment is real and permanent, again ESPECIALLY not if you take Marshy's 
definition of the state as gospel. 

It just shows me once again that people who get involved with groups and 
practices like TM can have the most bizarre, self deluded and sometimes 
destructive states of mind. 

  • [FairfieldLife]... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
    • [Fairfield... 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

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