Re "Winston Smith is the protagonist in George Orwell's novel 1984. He works 
in the Ministry of Truth. His job is one of continuously rewriting history to 
conform to the current view held by the ruling totalitarian party. He deletes 
references to persons out of favour.":

 I used to work for the BBC in London so often hung out at Broadcasting House 
(where George Orwell worked during the war writing propaganda). Broadcasting 
House (and the BBC) was Orwell's inspiration for the Ministry of Truth. 
 Deleting references to people out of favour is chillingly like the recent 
directive from the European Union giving people the "right to be forgotten" and 
ordering Google to delete all links to articles that anyone now finds 
embarrassing. Lots of low-lifes and criminals are taking advantage of that 

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Winston Smith is the protagonist in George Orwell's novel 1984. He works in 
the Ministry of Truth. His job is one of continuously rewriting history to 
conform to the current view held by the ruling totalitarian party. He deletes 
references to persons out of favour, creates new versions of historical 
documents to conform to the new version of truth. In this society, it does not 
matter if you are for or against the party, for in the end, they will get to 
you and you will love the party leader 'Big Brother', or you will be dead. Kind 
of like North Korea today.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I dunnoe who Winston Smith is.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 3:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Old TM Article

 I actually read this article on the Internet at MIU, probably shortly after it 
came out. I was just getting used to being on the Internet. I distinctly recall 
Curtis' mention of getting a 'medieval education', although (sorry Curtis) I do 
not remember Curtis from that time as I did not have much knowledge of earlier 
times in the TM movement and I did not know of him at that time. He had left 
the movement by that time. Winston Smith probably deleted all mention of him in 
the revised history. 


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Can't believe I never saw this before, I just ran across it. The interesting 
thing is the piece about John Fagan getting money from the government for his 
non-TM research. 


 Sort of flies in the face of the bragging guys like Bob Schneider have made 
about how much money the feds give them for TM research, saying like the giving 
of a grant is tantamount to the gov'ment signing off on TM.



University's Degree Comes With a Heavy Dose of Meditation (and Skepticism)



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