-----Original Message-----
From: Logan McK. Cheek III <lm...@cornell.edu>
To: Palmroth John W. <jwpalmr...@hotmail.com>
Cc: Anthony and Gwen Porcaro <gtporc...@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Dec 10, 2015 2:22 am
Subject: Fwd: FW: Unbelievable

More fuel for the fire already tindered.

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Why Obama Spared ISIS Oil 



 Last week, on the "Charlie Rose" show, former Obama CIA Director Mike
Morell dropped a bombshell that was little noticed by the left wing media.
He said that the reason President Obama did not bomb the oil fields, now
controlled by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), was that he did not
want to cause environmental damage.

 Morell said that "we didn't go after oil wells, actually hitting oil
wells that ISIS controls, because we didn't want to do environmental damage
and we didn't want to destroy that infrastructure."


 If ever a statement by a former administration official offered a
glimpse into the looney tune priorities of the Obama administration, this is
it! We did not bomb the oil fields upon which ISIS depends for the bulk of
its revenue because of our concerns about adding to the carbon emissions
that promote global warming (in the desert).


 So we let ISIS rake in millions of dollars every day, selling about
100,000 barrels of oil at an average of about $20/barrel (discounted) for a
take of $2 million every day. ISIS may be led by radical, crazy jihadists,
but the rank and file of the ISIS military is reported to be paid soldiers
fighting for money. Cut off the money and you cut off the head of the ISIS

But Obama put the minor, incremental damage of destroying the oil fields
ahead of the need to stop ISIS from rampaging through the Western world,
killing people at random. He apparently worried that the effects of
destroying the oil wells could be severe.

 This kind of environmental fantasizing was in vogue during the Gulf War,
when Saddam Hussein's destruction of all of Kuwait's oil fields was thought
to be likely to cause huge damage. Paul Crutzen, a noted atmospheric
scientist, predicted that a "nuclear winter" might ensue with a cloud of
smoke covering half the Northern Hemisphere for at least 100 days. Carl
Sagan argued that the effects of the destruction of Kuwaiti oil fields could
be comparable to the explosion of the volcano Tambora in 1815, which
produced "a year without summer."

 It never happened.


 Scientist Patrick K. Dowling wrote, in his study "The Meteorological
Effects of the Kuwaiti Oil Fires," that the smoke only affected the weather
pattern throughout the Persian Gulf and surrounding region during the
periods that the fires were burning in 1991. A 1992 study found that
emissions of carbon dioxide were only 2 percent of global emissions. Big

 Remember that Kuwait produced about 2 million barrels per day before the
Gulf War - more than 10 times as much as the ISIS oil wells generate. The
Kuwaiti fires dwarf anything destroying the ISIS oil wells would produce
when it comes to any harmful environmental effects.

 Why isn't Obama using our air power to attack tankers carrying ISIS oil
to refineries in Turkey? Again, Obama wants to fight the world's first green
war. As Morell put it, "There seemed to have been a judgment that, look, we
don't want to destroy these oil tankers because that's infrastructure that's
going to be necessary to support the people when ISIS isn't there anymore
and it's going to create environmental damage."

 Once again, Obama wants to fight terrorism, but everything else comes

 Morell noted that the administration didn't even want to hit oil trucks
carrying fuel from ISIS oil fields.


 To enter the mind of Barack Obama and see the low priority he accords
fighting terrorism is to see a catastrophic nightmare unfolding. How can we
trust him to keep us safe and to keep out ISIS terrorists who have so
thoroughly infiltrated the ranks of Syrian refugees?

With Obama, protecting Americans from terror comes in last in his list of 




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