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Subject: The Review, Vol. 34, #7, December 12, 2018, Maharishi U.

The Review, Vol. 34, #7, December 12, 2018
Copyright 2018, Maharishi University of Management

New Library Website Offers Maharishi Videos for Public

Many Maharishi videos are now available to the public via the new MUM library 
website – one of several resources now being offered for the first time.

The Maharishi Video Library page is available at 

It has a number of collections by various speakers, including a collection 
called One Period a Day because Maharishi felt that every classroom at every 
level of education should include a short knowledge video each day. It contains 
450 Maharishi videos recorded during the period 2002–2007 that were originally 
shown on the Maharishi Channel.

One Period a Day includes 120 videos available to the public for viewing online 
directly from the website. An additional 330 videos in this collection are 
available for viewing by anyone on request by going to the tape library booth 
in the library, asking to see the video, and then watching it in the public 
viewing room.

One Period a Day includes a listing of categories. Clicking on a category 
brings up a page with two lists of videos: a list at left that’s viewable to 
anyone, and a list in the center that requires a student or faculty password, 
or that can be viewed in the public viewing room.

Main points accompany each video in the collection.

In addition, the publicly available collection of 120 videos is searchable by 
keyword. These videos have been transcribed, and keyword search results include 
an excerpt to show how the word is being used in context in the video.

The right column on the Maharishi Video Library page includes an additional 
collection of videos that talk about each of the areas of knowledge introduced 
by Maharishi.

The main page of the new library website can be found at 
 The purpose of the new website is to educate students and the community, said 
Library Director Rouzanna Vardanyan.

In addition to providing access to thousands of academic journals and to vast 
databases of news and information, as well as the MUM library catalog, the 
library website includes a Special Collections link that gives access to 
resources such as the International Journal of Mathematics and Consciousness 
and the Journal of Modern Science and Vedic Science.

Other resources include a Search Engines link, which is a curated page of 
useful search engines such as Google Scholar and Google books. These search 
engines enable users to find materials that are often not available through a 
regular Google search.

Additional resources are continuing to be added. The Special Collections link 
will eventually include access to a digital archive of historical materials 
such as photos, brochures, and posters.

Ms. Vardanyan said that the new website is especially convenient for faculty.

“Faculty will no longer need to phone the tape library to schedule a video to 
show their students in class. They can simply use their password and access the 
video via the new website.”

Also new is BookMyne, a mobile app available on Google Play that can be used to 
access the MUM catalog. Patrons can also use it to see which items they have 
checked out, can renew items they’ve checked out, and can place holds on items 
checked out to another user.

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