Forwarded from a dear friend:

This was posted by Chetana Daniels (daughter of Fairfield’s Susan and Bob 
Daniels) who’s a Nurse Practitioner in the University of Iowa Medical Intensive 
Care Unit:

Having one of our parents admitted to our ICU is our worst nightmare. What is 
an even bigger nightmare is the possibility that our sick parent won't be able 
to receive the highest level of care because the hospital is overrun.. This is 
what we are facing now. Never in my 5+ years in the MICU have I seen a waiting 
list as long as we have. We are opening another 10 ICU beds next Monday, but we 
have enough patients seeking care at UIHC to fill them today. With the way 
things are going across the state, we will soon be making decisions about who 
will receive care and who we will have to deny. The kind of moral distress this 
is going to cause healthcare workers is enough to make them find a new career. 
My biggest fear is that I will see the name of someone from my community on the 
wait list, and they will be denied or delayed a transfer long enough to 
negatively impact their chances of a meaningful recovery. Please do whatever 
you can to stay home, wear good masks, wash your hands, and make your family do 
the same.

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