On Jun 16, 2006, at 1:30 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I also remember the effect he had on other practitioners--esp. his  

students--they were legendary (to put it very nicely).

As I rememebr, in dharma circles, there was some mention that either  

he or a student of his made the claim he was a reincarnation of a  

Tibetan master and that never panned out. 

And how would it "pan out?"  

Presumably, for the students, there would be "recognition". That's not to say that "recognition" is some wonderful carte blanche of reincarnated "proof"--it also has it's political bullshit, i.e. you could buy an incarnation(!).

I cannot remember if it was investigated, was there 

ever an official letter issued (i.e. from the  

office of HHDL)?

As if that would prove anything.  :-)

Yeah, well see my above comments.

Look, it's OK for you to dislike Rama; he did a lot

of things that are far from likable. It's just that

I personally think you're making up all this stuff

about legtimate Tibetan teachers saying these 

things. I think *you're* saying them and attributing

them to some unnamed Tibetan teacher. Prove me 

wrong...give the name of the teacher or teachers

who said all this and chances are I know them, and

can verify it myself.

Listen, I have no need to make this stuff up. I just don't have any investment in Zen Master Rama, so I do not tend to keep material on him around for years for that very reason.

Again, it's *OK* to dislike Rama and to say anything

against him you want to. But don't try to make your

own feelings sound more "legitimate" by ascribing

them to others, eh?

Honestly I'd just rather say nothing than do that. And I don't think comment coming from a Buddhist teacher or lama gives this any more validity other than the fact that this (showing off with siddhis) is a rather arcane aspect of human interaction, and therefore (due to it's rather arcane nature) not something that just Joe Blow is going to be able to comment on with any authority. Therefore I found it helpful. Actually the whole idea of magical display is an interesting one to me, that's the primary reason I mentioned it, as I thought it might also be so for others.


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