Didn't listen to that album, but for sure, the Beatles are there in
the music, but the CdS show just put emphasis on way too much
"British" instead of "pure Beatles."  It also tries to express
hippy-ism of the times which was not "my" "Beatle-ism."

It was my very first CdS production too, so my hopes for the
entertainment were SKY HIGH, so maybe I just wanted more than it could
possibly deliver.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
> > I saw the Cirque de Soleil Beatles thingy entitiled "LOVE."
> >
> > Thousands of props and costumes, tons of visual graphics shown on huge
> > screens, hundreds of gymnastic stunts, dozens upon dozens of artifacts
> > of Brit-culture, song after song re-mastered.
> >
> > It all felt wrong.
> >
> > They just didn't give me "my Beatles." Very very disappointed --
> > especially since I ponied up $300 for two tickets.
> Had you listened to the album LOVE beforehand and if so so, did you  
> like that?
> I thought LOVE was fantastic, esp. in 5.1. It's like hearing the  
> Beatles for the first time and all anew. It makes me want to go to  
> Vegas (someplace I would not otherwise desire to go to) to see the  
> CdS version.

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