Imagine this scenario:
A guy, with not much income, decides to acquire some knowledge about what his fellow workers have called "Computer use". With a loan (%36 percent interest per year minimum.), he buys a Pentium MMX/233 based system with not much harddrive and a modem. After all, being able to reach internet is really cool, something that we (me included) usually overlook these days. What type of OS can be easily used on this computer? I tell you. Win98SE. WinME takes too much space, and forget about windows2000, as it really doesn't fit on the harddrive space or perform good enough unless you have more that 128 megs of RAM.
So, our guy ends up with IE4. As he hasn't paid for MSFT license (and doesn't have a good license key), he really can't get the updates from Microsoft website. Even if he could, he would have to download several megs to just upgrade to IE6 (imagine doing that with a 56K modem).
Now, if you are a good ISP for one of these guys, it might be a good idea to download them and give free upgrade cdroms to your customers, as it also reduces your headaches for defence against various MSFT worms.
If you are a webmaster, stick to standards and hope for the best.
Just my 'dozari' :-)

M wrote:

Hi doostan,

It is amazing that in my statistics of visitors to my site www.irani.nu <http://www.irani.nu> I see people using Netscape3 or IE4 . Are these people in stoneage or what? Don't they know that they can update their browsers?????

I can somehow understand that people stil using win98 but come on we have to find out someway to inform people that they CAN uptade their browser and it is not a "fisyk e atomi".

They can't see the fonts right and not only other issue. What r ur thoughts?

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