-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Old versus New
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 13:33:07 +0000
From: Andrew Nicolaou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

If you work in film then this event is for you! It would be brilliant if
you could promote this event via your mailing lists, websites and networks.

Event: Old versus New
Date: Thursday 15 February 2007
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00 pm
Venue: Whitechapel Gallery
80 – 82 Whitechapel High Street
London, E1 7QX
Book: http://www.own-it.org/events/details/?eventId=193
Cost: Free

What are the implications for commercial films when artists and
filmmakers incorporate archive footage into their work, essentially
creating something new from something old? Despite the fact that archive
footage organisations are increasingly opening up their collections to
artist residency programmes, who actually owns this footage and what are
the implications of presenting work that features archive material,
which is then used in a public setting?

This Own-It event in association with Film London and Whitechapel will
look at the steps it takes to access available archive material and the
resulting privacy and licensing issues that spring from this. Artists
Vikki Bennett and Paul Bush, legal expert Sean Egan and archival
specialists will explore the issues, including fair use, moral rights
and creative commons.

Issues covered:
- BBC’s creative archive licence
- Sampling and downloading from digital archives
- Licence agreements
- Clearances and infringements
- Creative Commons

More about Own It:
Own It provides free advice, resources and events on intellectual
property, including copyright, design rights, trade marks, patents,
branding, licensing, royalties and contracts. Membership is free and
members can attend events, download event podcasts, sample legal
contracts, access legal advice and attend IP clinics (free 45 mins with
IP lawyer). Visit www.own-it.org for more information.

Kind regards,

Andrew Nicolaou
Own It and ECCA Web Content Manager
University of the Arts London - LCC
Elephant and Castle


Own It - the Creative London Intellectual Property Service.
Free advice, events and information for London's creative people on:
Copyright, Design Rights, Patents, Trademarks, Branding, Confidentiality
Agreements, Licensing, Royalties, Contracts.

Own It makes every effort to provide information which is relevant and as
complete, up-to-date and accurate as possible. Any information and material
provided is for informative purposes only and should not diminish the
individual's obligation to seek
appropriate professional advice where such is required or necessary.
Neither Own It nor any of its employees, agents or subcontractors can be
held responsible or liable to users of the information or any other person
for any errors or omissions, or for any losses, costs or claims which arise
as a result of relying on such information or advice.

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