Sony’s YouTube competitor - CC licensed

Sony has launched its YouTube competitor - eyeVio. By default, uploads are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. You can read about it here. We in the CC community will be celebrating about it around the world tonight. Yesterday was IP Day (really, no joke). Today is Sony Day!
posted by Lessig on

I would like to ask everyone on the list to raise a cheer for yet another multinational capitalist corporation's co-option of the free culture movement. Truly the valorization of the hard-earned work of millions of unpaid, free creators across the world should be celebrated for contributing yet again to the profit margins of the world largest, richest and most powerful corporations. Today should be recognised as a breakthough for creative commons moving from a grass-roots organisation committed to the creativity of everyone, to becoming the trusted advisor and advocate to capital for implementing a new form of IP policy that encourages 'sharing' --- well, sharing as long as it is the output of *us*, rather than anything that the multinational might produce (then clearly it is criminal and it is piracy).

Hurrah for SONY DAY!

(One can only hope that one day, in the future, everyday will be named after a giant multinational corporation!)

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